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I ain't done anything like the business this time as I use doing here, leastways in some things." Horace had now seated himself by the old man, spite of a deep growl from Grip, whose nearer approach was cut short by a backhanded slap from his master. "Look there now, old friend," continued the young man.

I saw you put aside a thrust from an officer in the melee, and strike him from his horse with a backhanded cut with your sword, dealt with a vigour that left nothing to be desired." "I know that I am too fond of using the edge, sir," Philip said, modestly.

With a muted roar, Adam swept his powerful arm in a backhanded arc that caught Brute full on the side of his head. The blow would have felled an ox, but Brute was not shaken. Apparently unhurt, he stood patiently, his blue eyes on Goat with something of pleading in them. "Adam, let him alone!" commanded Goat sharply. "Brute, what do you mean, Adam fell?" "We come back. We not far from canal.

Looked like he was determined to say some'n nice about Dick, so he gave a few backhanded licks at the Republican party and the nigger-lovers of the North, an' wound up by sayin' that the late lamented had been a stanch Democrat an' worked at the poles as hard to overthrow graftin' and Yankee oppression as any man in the fair Southland.

This ingenious age, when studied, seems not less remarkable for its division of labor than for the disposition of people to shift labor on to others' shoulders. Perhaps it is only another aspect of the spirit of altruism, a sort of backhanded vicariousness. In taking an inventory of tendencies, this demands some attention.

Then he went over to take a keener look at the written notice on the sheet of white paper. "This looks like disguised handwriting; it's backhanded," Dick mused aloud. "But I notice one thing peculiar. Who makes a funny little quirl at the beginning of a letter 'm, such as you see in this writing?" "Bert Dodge!" flashed Dave Darrin, an indignant light flashing in his eyes.

"'Well, what in the infernals are you shouting 'Hello' for when people are passing? angrily asked the traveler. "'Well, what in the infernals are you passing for when people are shouting hello?" The rival story-tellers parted "at evens." A backhanded compliment of the acutest nature is credited to Lincoln as a lawyer and gentleman. A Major Hill accused him of maligning Mrs.