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"Look!" exclaimed Grace as the covering of sand was disposed of. "There are some letters on the box." "So there are!" agreed Betty. They leaned forward to look. Staring at them from the black top of the box were three white letters. They were rather scratched and faded, but the girls soon made them out as follows: B. B. B. "B-B-B," repeated Mollie, as she read them. "I wonder what they stand for?"

"I have the other box relay man," declared the operator. "Then send this, very carefully," Black continued hoarsely: "X-x-x -a-a-a -b-b-b." The operator repeated it. Black nodded. Once more the instrument clicked. "The other box relay man signals that he has it," nodded Black's present operator. "Listen! Everyone of you! Not a sound in this outfit," commanded 'Gene Black.

"Thus is Beauty's brother delivered!" The Giant stared at him for a full minute. Then he put his hands to his sides and fell back shaking in his chair. "Her brother!" he roared. "Well, of all the Her BROTHER!" He rolled on the floor in a paroxysm of mirth. "Her brother! Oh, you You'll kill me! Her b-b-b-b-brother! Her b-b-b-b her b-b-b her b-b " The world suddenly seemed very cold to Charming.

He did not look like that sort of man; yet why was he watching her so closely, so curiously at every question? Why did he look at her teeth when she laughed? "Eyes?" Her own dared him to continue what, coincidence or not, was plainly a description of herself. "B-b-b " He grew suddenly timorous, hesitating, pretending to a perplexity which was really a healthy scare. For she was frowning.

"A long body just l-like that of a b-b-b " Toby seemed to swell up as he tried in vain to say the word he wanted, but it was apparently hopeless. "Why don't you whistle, Toby, you silly?" cried Steve. "Yes, that always helps you out, you know," the short boy declared, as he clapped a hand on the shoulder of the now red-faced stammerer.

Stone shook his head in denial. "No," he stated. "I take it that he started to say 'Barbara, and his breath failed him; at any rate I only caught the stuttered 'B-b-b." Penfield did not immediately continue his examination, but when he did so his manner was stern. "Doctor, what in your opinion caused Mr. Turnbull's death?"

"I am not prepared to answer that with certainty," replied Dr. Stone cautiously. "As I picked him up I heard him stammer faintly: 'B-b-b." Kent started so violently that the man next to him turned and regarded him for a moment, then, more interested in what was transpiring on the platform, promptly forgot his agitated neighbor. "Was Turnbull delirious, doctor?" asked the coroner.