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What do you mean, you rascal?" cried Jack, attempting to push by the man. "O, that won't do here, master; this is Equality Hall; one man's as good as another." "Not always," replied Jack, knocking him down. "Take that for your insolence, pack up your traps, and walk out of the house tomorrow morning." Mesty, in the meantime, had seized the other by the throat.

"So much for attempting to sacrifice principle for expecting to mix Free Soil and Whig! Damn that Kentuckian!" Auban after this remained unmolested.

In 1883 he was engaged by speculators to swim the rapids at Niagara, and in attempting this was overcome by the powerful currents, and his body was not recovered for some days after. The passage from Dover to Calais has been duplicated. In 1877 Cavill, another Englishman, swam from Cape Griz-Nez to South Forland in less than thirteen hours.

Perhaps the only useful purpose that Przemysl served was that it restrained the Russians from attempting an invasion of Hungary on a big scale, by holding out for nearly seven months. Not having sufficient siege artillery at their disposal, the Russians made no attempt to storm the place.

Since then I have had less difficulty in speaking to my wife and child, and have been attempting to teach the latter to read English. The former, whose mother and father died lately, has now no objection to go with me to the land of the pale-faces, and it is my present intention to go to my old home on the return of spring.

Flint, Austen could not have planned the early part of it any better than by pursuing this policy of silence. To a man of Mr. Flint's temperament and training, it was impossible to have such an opponent within reach without attempting to hector him into an acknowledgment of the weakness of his position.

Lonesome Pete's stories of the range country he heard, while he did not attempt to grasp their significance. They no longer amused him. His own position, his own condition, no longer amused him. He felt that he could not laugh; he knew that he would not. He told himself over and over that he was a fool for attempting drudgery like this.

Park and his associates met their untimely fate; he could not help meditating on that circumstance, and on the number of valuable lives that had been sacrificed in attempting to explore that river, and he secretly implored the Almighty, that he might be the humble means of setting at rest for ever the great question of its source and termination.

Lincoln was attempting to smooth this difficulty, Frémont had already burdened him with two additional embarrassments.

We have said that Madame de Montbazon had been the mistress of the Duke de Longueville, and as one of the principal personages of the drama we are about to relate, she requires to be somewhat better known. We shall pass over in silence many of her foibles, without attempting to excuse any.