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They stand recommended as aperient, diuretic, &c. but being suspected to have noxious qualities should be used with caution. NYMPHAEA alba. WHITE WATER-LILY. The Root and Flowers. The roots are supposed by some to be in an eminent degree narcotic. OCYMUM Basilicum. BASIL. The Leaves.

Any purgative drug, whether aperient, laxative or cathartic, is dissolved in the stomach by the action of the gastric juice in fact, goes through the same digestive process as the food that is eaten, that is, it passes into the small intestines and is there absorbed into the circulation.

If a new born babe's bowels be costive, rather than give him an aperient, try the effect of a little moist sugar, dissolved in a little water, that is to say, dissolve half a tea-spoonful of pure unadulterated raw sugar in a tea-spoonful of warm water and administer it to him, if in four hours it should not operate, repeat the dose.

Opening physic leads to opening physic, until at length his stomach and bowels will become a physic shop! Let me, then, emphatically say, avoid, if possible, giving a new born babe a drop or a gram of opening medicine. If from the first you refrain from giving an aperient, he seldom requires one afterwards. It is the first step, in this as in all other things, that is so important to take.

Ha! ha! very eccentric very!" muttered the apothecary, a little disconcerted. "Well, let him lie down, ma'am. I'll send him a little quieting draught to be taken directly pill at night, aperient in the morning. If wanted, send for me always to be found. Bless me, that's my boy Bob's ring. Please to open the door, ma' am. Know his ring very peculiar knack of his own. Lay ten to one it is Mrs.

Give an aperient ball, and the mixture as before in the evening. The prussic acid has been fairly tried; it has not in the least mitigated the cough, but begins to make the dog sick, and altogether to destroy his appetite. Give three times in the day a mixture consisting of two-thirds of a drachm of syrup of poppies, and one-third of syrup of buckthorn.

Should the eruption be severe, reduce the child's diet; keep him from butter, from gravy, and from fat meat, or, indeed, for a few days from meat altogether; and give him mild aperient medicine; but, above all things, do not quack him either with calomel or with grey-powder.

Let the priest make use of woman, nothing is more proper, as an instrument, as a pastime, hygienic and aperient; but let him stop there.

BASE HOREHOUND. The Leaves. These are doubtless an useful aperient and deobstruent; promote the fluid secretions in general, and liberally taken loosen the belly. They are an ingredient only in the theriaca. BELLIS perennis. DAISIES. The Leaves.

Parents should, therefore, see that the schools selected have sufficient closet accommodation, as schools in private houses often have but the one closet for a large number. As a result of this restricted accommodation, the habit of using aperient medicines is acquired with very injurious results, for if the call of nature is neglected the desire passes away, and constipation is inevitable.