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I told both the young gentlemen that we were to have a dance to-night. I mentioned the hour, and begged them to be punctual." "Young men are never punctual," said Sir Ulick; "but Marcus is inexcusable to-night on account of the Annalys."

"The best that can be never saw Sir Ulick in such heart he has a share of the loan, and " "And what news of the Annalys?" interrupted Ormond. "I know nothing about them at all, sir," said Patrickson, who was a methodical man of business, and whose head was always intent upon what he called the main chance. "I have been in Dublin, and heard no country news."

"Well, well, they shall be as imperfect as you like any thing to please you." "But, sir, you used to be so fond of the Annalys. I remember." "True, and did I tell you that I had changed my opinion?" "Your manner, though not your words, tells me so." "You mistake: the fact is for I always treat you, Harry, with perfect candour I was hurt and vexed by their refusal of my son.

I know you are impatient to hear what were the reports to your disadvantage, and from whom I had them. I had them from the Annalys; and they heard them in England, through various circuitous channels of female correspondents in Ireland. As far as we can trace them, we think that they originated with your old friend Miss Black.

"And where's Marcus, sir? would not he come with you to see us?" said Ormond. "Marcus is gone off to England. He bid me give you his kindest love: he was hurried, and regretted he could not come to take leave of you; but he was obliged to go off with the Annalys, to escort her ladyship to England, where he will remain this year, I dare say.

He was much mortified to hear from the doctor that he was obliged to proceed, with his family, for some months, to a distant part of the north of England; and that, as to the Annalys, they were immediately removing to the sea-coast of Devonshire, for the benefit of a mild climate and of sea-bathing. Ormond, therefore, had no resource but in his guardian.

Besides, be this hereafter as it might, there was at this present time a considerable debt due by Sir Ulick to these Annalys, with accumulated interest, since the time of his first marriage; and this debt would be merged in Miss Annaly's portion, should she become his son's wife.

I cannot mean any thing, but that Annaly is altogether the eighth wonder of the world," said Sir Ulick, "and all the men and women in it absolutely angels perfect angels." "No, sir, if you please, not perfect; for I have heard though I own I never saw it that perfection is always stupid: now certainly that the Annalys are not."

Ormond, without listening to the various digressions he made concerning the persons of mercantile consequence to whom the letters were addressed, or from whom they were answers, pounced upon the letter in Sir Ulick's handwriting directed to himself, and tore it open eagerly, to see if there was any news of the Annalys. None they were in Devonshire.

He had no intention of parting with him for ever, but merely while the Annalys were at Castle Hermitage: till his scheme was brought to bear, he would leave Harry at the Black Islands, and he could, he thought, recal him from banishment, and force a reconciliation with Lady O'Shane, and reinstate him in favour, at pleasure.