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They went softly into the parlor, and Hortense whispered to Malay Kris, telling him of the night's expedition. "Good," said Malay Kris. "If I see the Cat or the other one, I'll slither through their bones." He spoke in a low, fierce voice and jumped down lightly so as not to awaken Alligator, who seemed to be asleep, but it was of no use. Without opening his eyes, Alligator grunted,

An alligator had apparently poked his nose against the sticks, but had been unable to uproot them; and one or more jaguars had certainly visited the spot, but had not succeeded in breaking through the thick roof. During the previous night more turtle had, we found, visited the spot, and we very speedily filled our baskets with eggs.

If this fish is cut open after having bored its way into an animal a solid round mass of flesh will be found inside corresponding to the hole it has made, showing that the fish really bores its way in. It is said that the alligator of the Amazon is more likely to attack man than its brother of our Southern States.

Here crawled an alligator on a slab of granitic rock; an alligator that is to say, the despair of the taxidermist for you can make nothing out of an alligator; alive and not in motion he looks stuffed, stuffed, he looks just the same.

'Why, says be, 'the facture of wooden nutmegs; that's a cap sheef that bangs the bush its a real Yankee patent invention. With that all the gentlemen set up a laugh, you might have heard away down to Sandy Hook and the General gig gobbled like a great turkey cock, the half nigger, half alligator like looking villain as he is. I tell you what, Mr.

In the middle part of the Lower Amazons, about Obydos and Villa Nova, where many of the lakes with their channels of communication with the trunk stream dry up in the fine months, the alligator buries itself in the mud and becomes dormant, sleeping till the rainy season returns. On the Upper Amazons, where the dry season is never excessive, it has not this habit, but is lively all the year round.

This pleased Dick and the boys spent half a day finding an inhabited cave, when they secured its occupant with no trouble excepting that, as the alligator came out of his hole, Dick slipped on the muddy turf and was dragged into the pond. The 'gator was soon brought out on the prairie and its jaws tied.

Now, this is an extremely decent size for a reptile, as reptiles go; for the crocodile and alligator, the two biggest existing lizards, seldom attain an extreme length of sixteen feet.

"The zoological garden took a full half-day, and I could have spent a much longer time there. They told me of a frightful occurrence that happened only last week. In a pool of water a very large alligator is kept confined by a low stout iron fence.

They were much exhausted, for their task had been no easy one, and fortunately for Leonard it was only after long delay that they succeeded in it. Their two companions were dead: one had been taken by an alligator in the water, and the other had fallen into a deep hole in the morass, and, striking his head against a log, was drowned there. "Is it finished?" said Leonard to the dwarf.