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It does not say 'shall be, but 'is the Kingdom. It is an all-comprehensive promise, holding the succeeding ones within itself, for they are but diverse aspects modified according to the necessities which they supply of that one encyclopædia of blessings, the possession of the Kingdom of Heaven. It is capable of partial realisation here, and is sure of complete fulfilment hereafter.

For it is assumed that the Absolute Reality is harmonious and all-comprehensive; and it is further asserted that these two characteristics of harmony and comprehensiveness may be taken as criteria of the "degree of reality" possessed by any "appearance."

Lessing conceives the Deity as the supreme, all-comprehensive, living unity, which excludes neither a certain kind of plurality nor even a certain kind of change; without life and action, without the experience of changing states, the life of God would be miserably wearisome. The Trinity must be understood in the sense of immanent distinctions.

And it is the most suitable to the All-comprehensive Wisdom of God for us to conceive, that without having this knowledge, we may be far less able to judge of the Divine oeconomy, in reference to his Dealings with us here, than he who should see but one Scene of a Dramma, would thereby be capacitated to judge of the Plot or Design of the whole.

He forges the mighty anchor and every lesser instrument; he drives the steamboat and drags the rail-car; and it was he this creature of terrible might, and so many-sided utility and all-comprehensive destructiveness that used to be the cheerful, homely friend of our wintry days, and whom we have made the prisoner of this iron cage.

This is the way you make laws for your dog, and this is the way the judges make laws for you and me. The 'tyranny of judge-made law' is 'the most all-comprehensive, most grinding, and most crying of all grievances, and is scarcely less bad than 'priest-made religion. Legal fictions, according to him, are simply lies.

I could understand the objection were it limited to Nature, because that is a sphere in which it is the uses of things, and the uses precisely, which are the most obvious, and these compose, when taken together, a mighty reciprocal whole in which part answers to part, constituting an all-comprehensive and wondrous whole. There is no place in Nature for chance.

He felt that truth is all-comprehensive, that there is no such thing as absolute isolation in existence, and the only way of attaining truth is through the interpenetration of our being into all objects. To realise this great harmony between man's spirit and the spirit of the world was the endeavour of the forest-dwelling sages of ancient India.

The all-comprehensive phrase, too, had been inserted in the resolution so unanimously carried, and made law by the British Government: "We humbly conceive that, in this right, the very essence of our liberty consists, a right which we, on the part of all the people of Ireland, do claim as their birthright, and which we cannot yield but with our lives."

The public refuses to admire anything that can be done by a machine, and longs for something finer, more subtle, more closely allied to the soul of the artist. This does not mean, however, that the necessity for a comprehensive technic is depreciated. Quite the contrary is true. The need for an all-comprehensive technic is greater than ever before.