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It may be said that some albuminous substances have this property, but it must be borne in mind that these bodies, like gluten, for example, only possess it after the commencement of the decomposition.

Liebig says of this albuminous environment: "It is the foundation, the starting-point, of the whole series of peculiar tissues which constitute those organs which are the seat of all vital actions."

Where this is the case, tapeworm will never occur. Tea. Tea should not be infused longer than three or four minutes, and cream should be used with it. The albuminous matter in milk tends to throw down some of the tannic acid in an insoluble form. Much tea-drinking produces nervousness and indigestion.

The latter may, nevertheless, form in them subsequent to this development of other organized forms, by reason of the modification produced in the original mineral medium by the albuminous matters that they introduce into it.

This shows that milk should not be taken to quench thirst, but to supply nourishment. Milk is one of our most satisfactory and economical albuminous foods, even at the present high prices. In many foods from 5 to 10 per cent of the protein goes to waste. In milk the waste does not ordinarily amount to more than about 1 per cent.

E. Dickinson, Superintendent of the Laramie Division, furnishes the following analysis: The following remarks made by the chemists who made the analysis may be of interest: "The decay of wood arises from the presence in the wood of substances which are foreign to the woody fiber, but are present in the juices of the wood while growing, and consist of albuminous matter, which, when beginning to decay, causes also the destruction of the other constituents of the wood."

Cotton-seed cake is much richer in oils and albuminous matters than the linseed cake. A correspondingly less quantity will therefore be required. Three pounds of this cotton-seed cake are equivalent to four of linseed cake of average quality.

The turning of the hand with the palm downwards. Pronator. The group of muscles which turn the hand palm downwards. A general term for the albuminoid constitutents of the body. A first-formed organized substance; primitive organic cell matter. Wing-like. One of a class of animal bases or alkaloids formed in the putrefaction of various kinds of albuminous matter.

If it were in my power I should hasten to satisfy this ambitious gentleman. But so be it: you have really prepared protoplasm. By force of meditation, profound study, minute care, impregnable patience, your desire is realised: you have extracted from your apparatus an albuminous slime, easily corruptible and stinking like the devil at the end of a few days: in short, a nastiness.

It is not there: I find not the least trace of murexide. The lid, therefore, is composed solely of carbonate of lime and of an organic cement, no doubt of an albuminous character, which gives consistency to the chalky paste. Had circumstances served me better, I should have tried to discover in which of the worm's organs the stony deposit dwells.