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Williams, when on the astral plane during sleep, somehow came across this reflection of the future, and being naturally horrified thereby, passed it on to his lower mind in the hope that somehow something might be done to prevent it; but it is impossible to diagnose the case with certainty without examining the âkâshic records to see what actually took place.

Sometimes it may be a scene comparatively near at hand, as in the case just quoted; at other times it will be a far-away Oriental landscape; at others yet it may be a reflection of some fragment of an âkâshic record, and then the picture will contain figures in some antique dress, and the phenomenon belongs to our third large division of "clairvoyance in time."

In fact, a person on earth possessing the power of Distant Clairvoyance might be able to duplicate these feats, providing he were able to come in rapport contact with one of these light-waves bearing the past-time records. Think for a moment, and you will grasp the point of this statement. The Akashic Plane.

These Akashic Records have well been called "the substantial memory of the earth." Upon the subtle etheric substance of the Akashic Plane are registered the records of every event, thing, object, happening, or activity of the earth which has existed or been manifested from the very beginning of the present cycle of the earth's existence.

The very subtle and tenuous substance of the Akashic Plane the term "etheric" may best describe the nature of this substance contains traces and impressions of all the happenings of the past of this earth; and such impressions may be read and seen by the clairvoyant who has developed sufficiently high powers of vision.

These Streams have their analogy on all planes, and cosmically are of the same nature as the Âkâsha-Gangâ the Ganges in the Akâshic Ocean of Space and the rest of the Rivers in the Paurânic writings of the Hindûs. It is a step in a ladder merely, useful only for mounting and to be left aside when once a higher rung is reached.

In the case then of a detailed vision of the remote past, how is it obtained, and to what plane of nature does it really belong? The answer to both these questions is contained in the reply that it is read from the âkâshic records; but that statement in return will require a certain amount of explanation for many readers.

To him it actually seems as if he were seeing the actions of things in present existence, and many excellent clairvoyants are ignorant of the existence of the Akashic Records, though they habitually read the contents thereof; these clairvoyants know simply that they "see" these past happenings they have not the faintest conception of how they are able to see them.

Some occultists prefer the general term, "the Astral Plane," but the former term is a closer and more definite one. The Akashic Plane, as known to occultists, contains the impressions or "records" of all events that have happened on the earth plane during the present cycle of earth manifestation.

Every object undoubtedly is throwing off radiations in all directions, and it is precisely in this way, though on a higher plane, that the âkâshic records seem to be formed. Of them it will be necessary to say something under our next heading, so we will do no more than mention them for the moment.