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Between him and it, he could see many of the Afridis crouched among the rocks, ready to attack any small parties that might issue out. He saw at once that it would be impossible to reach the camp without being questioned, and he therefore determined to fall in with the column that had gone out.

The Afridis gathered thickly round the door, tried to push it in with their heavy knives, and battered it with the butt ends of their rifles.

No doubt the Afridis thought that, as I was an officer, they would hold me as a hostage, and so make better terms. "I was put into the upper story of one of their houses but, after ten days, my wounds healed sufficiently to allow me to walk; and I have got here without any serious adventure." "Well, I must congratulate you heartily.

Seeing this several Afridis in the Guides ran forward, shouting and cheering, to the rescue, and other wounded Sikhs were saved by their gallantry from a fearful fate. At last Ryder's company reached the bottom of the hill and the survivors re-formed under cover of the Guides.

All they'll mind at Tallyn will be that the Afridis haven't killed a few more Britishers." Diana gave him a rather grave smile and bow as the carriage drove on. Mrs. Colwood wondered whether the Captain's last remark had somehow offended her companion. But Miss Mallory made no reference to it.

But the vacancies thus caused in the enemy's ranks were immediately filled. "Now with your bayonets," the sergeant shouted. "Keep in a close body, and do you two wounded men cover us with a constant fire." Then, with a cheer, the six men and the sergeant rushed forward. Much as the Afridis feared the bayonet, confident in their strength they withstood the charge.

The Mohammedans, on the other hand, Afghans from the far side of the Khyber, men of the Hassan and the Aka and the Adam Khel tribes, Afridis from Kohat and Tirah and the Araksai country, any who happened to be in that wild and crowded town, turned out, too to keep order, as they pleasantly termed it, when their leaders were subsequently asked for explanations.

The arrangement is as effective as it is novel and the Afridis carry out every detail conscientiously. The pass is open only two days in the week, on Tuesdays and Fridays. No one is permitted to cross or even enter it from either side except on those days. And even then travelers, tourists and others actuated by curiosity are not allowed to go through without permits.

Never mind him, Crandall." "Well, ne'er mind. The Afridis found out that this treasure was on the move, and they ambushed the whole show a couple of miles before he got to the fort, and cut up the escort. Duncan was wounded, and the escort hooked it. There weren't more than twenty Sepoys all told, and there were any amount of Afridis. As things turned out, I was in charge at Fort Pearson.

His fire was returned but, as he took care to lie well back, the bullets all went over his head. When darkness fell, he went down and directed the sepoys to man only the loopholes in the front wall. This released three men, whom he brought upstairs and posted above the door. The Afridis continued to riddle the upper wall and the door with bullets.