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"Is that what you're tearin' their house down for? I'm sorry!" Frisbie is flustered. He is ashamed of appearing "soft." He wishes heartily to be well rid of the niggers. But something in his own heart rebels against the course he has taken to eject them. "Just hold on there a minute, Adsly!" "Ay, ay!" says Adsly. And the work stops.

Busters!" looking wonderfully knowing, and, with feeble forefinger raised, nodding and winking at his great-grandchild, as it were across the slim gulf of a hundred years which divided the gleeful boyhood of Joe from the second childhood of the ancient dreamer. The next day came Adsly and his men again, with Cap'en Slade and his tackle, and several yokes of oxen with drivers.

"I think, then, instead of pulling the house down, I'd just move it over there, niggers and all" "And set it opposite the Judge's!" exclaims Frisbie, catching gleefully at the idea. "Exactly," says Stephen; "and give him enough of niggers for one while." "I'll do it! Adsly! Adsly! See here, Adsly! Do you suppose this old box can be moved?" "I guess so. 'T a'n't very large.

I a'n't one of your milk-and-water sort. Look at such a man as Gingerford, for example! But I guess, come case in hand, you'll find as much genuine humanity in me, Adsly, as in them that profess so much. Wait till to-morrow before you knock the old shell to pieces. I'll give 'em another day. And in the mean time, boy," turning to Fessenden's, "you must find you another home.

Whip up, Stephen! And the red and puffy face, redder and puffier still with immense fun, rode off. Adsly and his men disappeared also, to return with Cap'en Slade and his tackle on the morrow. Then Joe began to dance and scream like a little devil. "Have a ride! have a ride!