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"Do you mean to murder me?" "Prob'ly. But not till I've 'ad the truth and I'll 'aarve it to the last word, if I tear it out o' yer boosum." "You'll kill me if I tell you." "See that winder! That's yer road head first if you try to lie to me." Then she told him the whole sickening story of her relations with Mr. Barradine.

'A' done. 'Aarve you tekken leave o' yer senses?" She felt him shiver as he resisted her; then in another moment he gripped her round the waist as brutally and violently as if he intended to pitch her out of the wagon, held her to him so fiercely that he crushed all the breath from her lungs, and gave her a long passionate mouth-to-mouth kiss.

He came down from the loft, and in the doorway below a flood of bright sunlight dazzled him. The sun had risen, Some of Mavis' pigeons were cooing gently on the granary roof, a horse in the stables began to whinny, and two of the men came whistling round the outer barn into the yard. "Good mornin', sir." "Good morning." "Another nice day we are goin' to 'aarve, sir." "Yes, looks like it."

They let me sim to run free, because they know they can 'aarve me when they want me." With such thoughts, he went down-stairs of a morning to talk jovially with Ridgett, to chaff Miss Yorke; and with the thoughts unchanged he came up-stairs to glower at Mavis across the breakfast-table. His thoughts in regard to Mavis were extraordinarily complicated.

"Yes, perhaps so," said the voice. "But I notice that you don't come in to look for me. You keep to the ride still. Now you've got so very close to me, why do you turn shy of the last little bit? Is it that you wish me to save you trouble by showing myself?" And Dale made gestures of semi-insane fury, and spoke in a loud, hoarse voice. "Yes, show yourself if you want to. You 'aarve my leave.

"Till early this morning. Will, let me be I'm done. You're throttling me." "Go on. I'll 'aarve it all out of you. Begin at the beginning. It's Sunday afternoon we're talking of ever since lunch time. There's a many hours to amuse yourselves." "After dinner he made me dress up." "What d'you mean?" "He had brought things in his luggage fancy dress." "What dresses?"