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The mountain girl interrupted Auntie Sue's tremulous whisper with: "I'll tell hit ter you, ma'm, in a little bit, if you'll just wait. I got ter see if they are sure 'nough a-sleepin' first, though." She stole silently from the room, to return a few minutes later. "They are plumb asleep, both of 'em," she said in a low tone, when she had cautiously closed the door.

"Yes, indeed," said I, "more especially seeing I have not broken my fast since midday yesterday." "Well, an' w'at be doin' in my hay?" "I have been asleep," said I. "Well, an' what business 'ave ye got a-sleepin' an' a-snorin' in my hay?" "I was tired," said I, "and 'Nature her custom holds, let shame say what it will, still I do not think I snored."

And along about eight o'clock he wuz a-sleepin' sweet for the first time durin' his sickness; it wuz a quiet restful sleep, and some drops of presperation and sweat could be seen on his softened features. We all wuz as still, almost, as if we wuz automatoes, we wuz so afraid of makin' a speck of noise to disturb him.

"Never have the chance to stand by the graves of your fathers, and your children, that were a-sleepin' under the beautiful old trees that your grandfathers had set out "Never see the dear old grounds they walked through, the old rooms full of the memories of their love, their joys, and their sorrows, and your loves, and hopes, and joys, and sadness?

The man glanced up, and, breaking off his song in the middle of a note, stood gazing at Bellew, open-mouthed. "What, be that you, sir?" he enquired, at last, and then, "Lord! an' what be you a doing of up theer?" "Why, sleeping, of course," answered Bellew. "W'ot again!" exclaimed the Waggoner with a grin, "you do be for ever a-sleepin' I do believe!"

"Lost your appetite this morning, Cuff?" said Jarwin, offering his companion a citron, which he decidedly refused. "Ah!" he continued, patting the dog's sides, "I see how it is; you've had breakfast already this morning; bin at it when I was a-sleepin'. For shame, Cuffy! you should have waited for me; an' you've bin an' over-ate yourself again, you greedy dog!" This was evidently the case.