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In the year 716, Nakamaro, a member of the great Abe family, accompanied the Japanese ambassador to Tang and remained in China until his death in 770. He was known in China as Chao Heng, and the great poet, Li Pai, composed a poem in his memory, while the Tang sovereign conferred on him the posthumous title of "viceroy of Luchou."

They may serve as school trustees and superintendents. 117 women in ministry, 52 dentists, 74 journalists, 53 lawyers, 260 doctors, 27 professors, 8 saloon keepers, 11 bankers, 34 commercial travellers, 7 carpenters, etc. Kansas POPULATION: Male 768,716; female 701,779. HUSBAND AND WIFE: Wife controls own earnings. Husband and wife are equal guardians of children.

There have been determined in altitude above or below the level of the monument, by means of the spirit level, 1,716 points, and the altitudes of 1,816 other points have been similarly observed in order to verify the altitude of the monument above the level of mean tide at Calais.

Our exports to the lower ports are made up as follows: 3,485 barrels of Potash .................... L27,880 0 0 33,198 " Flour ..................... 33,198 0 0 357 bushels of Grass seed ................ 133 17 6 1,450 " Barley .................... 181 5 0 4,947 " Peas ...................... 594 14 0 4,349 " Rye ....................... 434 18 0 37,360 " Wheat ..................... 7,472 0 0 198 barrels of Pork ...................... 396 0 0 54 " Beef ...................... 74 5 0 1,141 Sheep-skins .......................... 114 2 0 4,395,590 feet square Timber ................... 74,903 2 6 173 kegs of Butter ....................... 540 12 6 Furs ................................. 716 0 0 Fatted Cattle ........................ 1,840 0 0 High Wines ........................... 3,098 0 0 Whiskey .............................. 1,830 0 0 L153,411 16 6

In a document of the next year 716 we find "Ebugansus, Notarius regiae Curtis," taking part in the procedure in a case between the bishops of Pistoia and Lucca; and a little later, in the year 756, is mention of an exchange of property between "civitis regia lucencis" and the church situated in that city. In the "Opusculum de Fundat. Monast.

Water dissolves but a small proportion of iodine, requiring 7000 parts of water to dissolve one of iodine, or one grain to the gallon of water. Alcohol and ether dissolve it freely, as does a solution of nitrate or hydrochlorate of ammonia and of iodides. The density of solid iodine is 4.95; that of its vapor 8.716.

'In the days of Arabian energy, says Hallam, 'Constantinople was twice, in 668 and 716, attacked by great naval armaments. The same authority believes that the abandonment of such maritime enterprises by the Saracens may be attributed to the removal of the capital from Damascus to Bagdad.

D.G. Dalman, Z.D.P.V., 1904, vol. Ramleh did not exist in Bible times it was founded in 716. It prospered to such an extent that it became as large as Jerusalem. It was a good deal damaged by an earthquake in 1033. Ramleh had a large Moslem population, and the Jews there remained comparatively unmolested by the Crusaders.

Boniface had been trained, but it was within reach of the ships of the Danish pirates, and in 716 they had ravaged it and reduced it to such utter ruin that scarcely one stone remained on another to mark the site.

The Portuguese knew about Dhofar and its productions, for Camoens, in his Tenth Lusiad, 716, writes: 'O'er Dhofar's plain the richest incense breathes. But not until Dr. Carter coasted along here some fifty years ago was it definitely known that this was the chief locality in Arabia which produced the drug.