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The style is generally clumsy, often obscure, and not unseldom harsh and inflated. Take an instance or two, picked out absolutely at random. "The disaffected, who held throughout the contest the seaboard of the State in abeyance, driven forth, would have felt in their wanderings there would be no parley with them." p. l27.

She enjoyed besides the revenues of the Duchy of Lancaster, which amounted annually to over L27,000. The first use to which she put her money was characteristic: she paid off her father's debts. In money matters, no less than in other matters, she was determined to be correct.

He was inwardly sensible of a sort of condescension in entering so diminutive and homely a place a kind of half amusing disproportion between Jos. Larkin, Esq., of the Lodge, worth, already, L27,000, and on the high road to greatness, and the trumpery little place in which he found himself.

Rothschild paid for his copy, but with great reluctance. "He further said that he sold 75 copies in America, 26 in New York and 24 in Boston; that the work cost him L27,000 and that he lost $25,000 by it. "He said that Louis Philippe offered to subscribe for 100 copies if he would publish the work in Paris.

When the last life in my lease died, my rent was immediately raised to L27 10s. I paid this for a few years, and then the seasons were bad, and I fell behind. It was not a fair rent, that was the reason I was unable to pay it. I complained of the rent. I wanted it fixed by arbitration; that was refused.

Whether that measure was the most prudent and politic for herself, and the most wise and efficient for the acquisition of the avowed object, may be disputed; but the exemplary openness and the magnanimous daring of that act cannot be controverted. The narrative, pages 116 to l27, respecting the cholera and the election riots at Montreal, both which scenes happened at the period when Dr.

Two men of Newbury were in 1669 fined L27 4s. each for "disorderly going and setting in seats belonging to others." They were dissatisfied with the seats assigned to them by the seating committee, and openly and defiantly rebelled.

Our exports to the lower ports are made up as follows: 3,485 barrels of Potash .................... L27,880 0 0 33,198 " Flour ..................... 33,198 0 0 357 bushels of Grass seed ................ 133 17 6 1,450 " Barley .................... 181 5 0 4,947 " Peas ...................... 594 14 0 4,349 " Rye ....................... 434 18 0 37,360 " Wheat ..................... 7,472 0 0 198 barrels of Pork ...................... 396 0 0 54 " Beef ...................... 74 5 0 1,141 Sheep-skins .......................... 114 2 0 4,395,590 feet square Timber ................... 74,903 2 6 173 kegs of Butter ....................... 540 12 6 Furs ................................. 716 0 0 Fatted Cattle ........................ 1,840 0 0 High Wines ........................... 3,098 0 0 Whiskey .............................. 1,830 0 0 L153,411 16 6

In the year 1735 a worthy Puritan divine, pastor over a little flock in the town of Malden, made the following entries in his diary: "January 31. Bought a shay for L27 10s. The Lord grant it may be a comfort and a blessing to my family. "March, 1735. Had a safe and comfortable journey to York. "April 24. Shay overturned, with my wife and I in it; yet neither of us much hurt.