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Out of the 97,728 despatches exchanged during the last three months of 1858, 23,728 were with Paris, and 15,409 with the thirty most important towns of France. These 15,409 despatches are divided, as to their object or nature, as follows: Private and family affairs, 3102; journals, 523; commerce and manufactures, 6132; Bourse affairs, 5253; sundry affairs, 399.

The receipts of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1892, actual and estimated, are $433,000,000 and the expenditures $409,000,000. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1893, the estimated receipts are $455,336,350 and the expenditures $441,300,093. The highest price paid during the year was $1.2025 and the lowest $0.9636.

He was content, however, this time to accept a ransom, of which the most curious element was three thousand pounds of pepper. The folly, pride, and braggadocio of Honorius, or rather of his miserable court, brought Alaric a second time to Rome in 409. The city capitulated, and he raised Attalus to the purple as a rival to Honorius.

The World and the Individual, vol. ii, pp. 385, 386, 409. Cf. Dr. Fuller's excellent article, Ethical monism and the problem of evil, in the Harvard Journal of Theology, vol. i, No. 2, April, 1908. Metaphysic, sec. 79. Studies in the Hegelian Dialectic, secs. 150, 153. The Nature of Truth, 1906, pp. 170-171. Ibid., p. 179.

In the beginning of February, the natives brought them considerable quantities of rice, giving 70 or 80 pounds weight in exchange for an old hatchet. On the 5th, by a general muster, 1260 men were found to remain in the fleet, including 32 Spanish and Negro prisoners, so that they had lost 409 since leaving Holland.

Meanwhile, Britain had been left, by the withdrawal of the legions, to the ravages of Saxon pirates, and the savages of Caledonia. The island was irrevocably lost to the empire, A.D. 409, although it was forty years before the Saxons obtained a permanent footing, and secured their conquest.

Quebec contained 2,008 houses, and a population of 15,257 souls, of whom 11,991 were Roman Catholics, and 3,266 were Protestants. Four new vessels had been built at Quebec in the course of the past year, and 409 vessels of 94,657 tons of shipping had been cleared at the port of Quebec, while merchandise to the amount of £772,373 had been imported.

Burke, Edmund: essay, 73; times mentioned, 382. Burns, Robert: festival, 224, 225; rank, 281; image referred to, 386; religious position, 409. Burroughs, John, view of English life, 335. Burton, Robert, quotations, 109, 381. Buttrick, Major, in the Revolution, 71, 72. Byron, Lord: allusion, 16; rank, 281; disdain, 321; uncertain sky, 335; parallelism, 399. Caesar, Julius, 184,197.

At the close of the fifth century their power in Gaul extended from the Loire to the Pyrenees, from the Atlantic to the Rhone valley, and along the Mediterranean seaboard farther east to the Alps. In Spain which had been, since 409, the prey of the Vandals, Alans and Suevi they found a more legitimate field for their ambitions.

After the overthrow of the northern Volscians no considerable people in the first instance opposed the Romans in the south; their legions unchecked approached the Liris. As early as 397 they had contended; successfully with the Privernates; and in 409 occupied Sora on the upper Liris.