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Kate looked troubled again, as she read: "'There is no sin, sickness nor death." "The same reasoning applies to that as to all the rest. There is no reality to anything but God's creation, and that is changeless and perfect. But we will see what the Bible has to say; I. John iii: 2-10.

LABRUS? Native name, POKONG. "Brown rock-fish" of the sealers. "Rays, D. 9-12; A. 3-10," etc. Flesh soft and poor. Inhabitants rocky shores; very common. Caught by hook, 12th March, 1841. No. 18. CRENILABRUS? Native name, KNELMICH, MINAME, or MINAMEN. Common "rock-fish" or "Parrot" of the sealers. "Rays, D. 8-11; A. 2-10," etc. Poor and soft.

In the name of our God we set up our banners, Ps. xx. 5; he alone shall be our patron, and if he helps us we shall prosper, and if he is not on our side we shall not succeed. Acts xxviii. 2-10. We reject altogether the help of unbelievers in managing or carrying on the affairs of the Institution. 2 Cor. vi. 14-18.

"Rays, D. 16-26; A. 2-10; P. 13; V. 5." Inhabits rocky points of sandy bays, where they love to run in and root up the sand with their fleshy mouths. They are sluggish, and easily speared by the Aborigines, whose chief food it constitutes at certain seasons. The specimen was speared in my presence by Wallup, on the 8th of June, 1841.

From these figures it is manifest that the red and striped types differ from one another not only in their visible attributes, but also in the degree of their heredity. The striped individuals repeat their peculiarity in 90-98% of their progeny, 2-10% sporting into the uniform red color.

The infantry arms are about 32,000, the greater part Mauser model 1895, caliber 28, and the others Remingtons, model 1889, caliber 43. The ammunition is about 22,000,000 rounds. The field artillery consists of about twelve breech-loading steel guns, caliber 3 5-10 inches, and ten breech-loading mountain guns, caliber 3 2-10 inches.

The specimen was caught at the mouth of Oyster Harbour by a hook, on the 30th August, 1841. No. 19. CENTROPRISTES TRUTTA. SCIAENA TRUTTA, G. Foster, Icon. 210. Pectorals yellow or orange coloured, with dark bases; scales faintly fan-streaked; last rays of dorsal and anal elongated. Faint oblong, orange-coloured spots on the sides, not in vertical rows. "Rays, D. 9-16; A. 2-10; P. 16."

In the name of our God we set up our banners, Ps. xx. 5; He alone shall be our Patron, and if He helps us we shall prosper, and if He is not on our side, we shall not succeed. Acts xxviii. 2-10. We reject altogether the help of unbelievers in managing or carrying on the affairs of the Institution. 2 Cor, vi. 14-18.

All this seems a contradiction to the natural man, but it is not so to those whom Christ enlightens. They understand in proportion to their illumination, that it is possible to work out their salvation, yet to have it wrought out for them, to fear and tremble at the thought of judgment, yet to rejoice always in the Lord, and hope and pray for His coming. Ps. xlix. 2-10. Eccles. iii. 19.