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On these terms the garrison of Charleston marched out and laid down their arms, and General Leslie was appointed by Clinton to take possession of the town. The siege was more obstinate than bloody. The besiegers had 76 men killed and 189 wounded; the besieged had 92 killed and 148 wounded; about 20 of the inhabitants were killed in their houses by random shots.

Pruner-Bey, on negro infants as quoted by Vogt, 'Lectures on Man, Eng. translat. 1864, p. 189: for further facts on negro infants, as quoted from Winterbottom and Camper, see Lawrence, 'Lectures on Physiology, etc. 1822, p. 451. For the infants of the Guaranys, see Rengger, 'Saugethiere, etc. s. 3. See also Godron, 'De l'Espece, tom. ii. 1859, p. 253.

Lest any one might for a moment be deceived touching the meaning of its coalition with the Mountain, the party of Order simultaneously scorned even to consider a motion, signed by 189 members of the Mountain, for a general amnesty to political criminals.

This source hereinafter cited as Manchester Deanery Visit. Hale, Crim. Manchester Deanery Visit., 66 . Cf. Canterbury Visit., xxv, 23 . Hall, Crim. Prec., 13 . Warrington Deanery Visit., 189. Manchester Deanery Visit., 69. Ibid. Then as now the ale-house was the strongest rival of the House of God. Order of the archdeacon, Essex Archdeaconry, to the wardens of St. Peter's and of All Saints.

Schofield's loss, as officially reported, was 189 killed, 1,033 wounded, and 1,104 captured and missing. Thomas made no effort to reinforce Schofield at Franklin, as it seemed to me at the time he should have done, and fight out the battle there. He simply ordered Schofield to continue his retreat to Nashville, which the latter did during that night and the next day.

Schofield's loss, as officially reported, was 189 killed, 1,033 wounded, and 1,104 captured and missing. Thomas made no effort to reinforce Schofield at Franklin, as it seemed to me at the time he should have done, and fight out the battle there. He simply ordered Schofield to continue his retreat to Nashville, which the latter did during that night and the next day.

Finally an arithmetical problem on the board caught my eye, and was surreptitiously transferred to my note-book for future reference. It ran something like this: "A poor old lady owns one thousand cents. She loses 189 of the cents. How many left has she?"

I hate these foreigners that is to say the men," he corrected himself hastily. Hunterleys smiled. "Well, I was coming to that," he said. "I do feel hideously alone here, and what I would like you to do is just this. I would like you to call at my room at the Hotel de Paris, number 189, every morning at a certain fixed hour say half-past ten. Just shake hands with me that's all.

One noon in 189-, a young man stood in front of the new Gewandhaus in Leipzig, and watched the neat, grass-laid square, until then white and silent in the sunshine, grow dark with many figures.

For further valuable information and timely recommendations I ask the careful attention of the Congress to the Secretary's report. The Secretary of War reports that the Army at the date of the last consolidated returns consisted of 2,189 officers and 24,549 enlisted men.