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He could now, however, use these errors as being actually due to the perturbations produced by the unknown planet. In 1844, assuming a circular orbit, and a mean distance agreeing with Bode's law, he obtained a first approximation to the position of the supposed planet.

Another strong instance of the power that may be acquired over the natives occurred at Moorunde, in 1844: Several tribes were assembled in the neighbourhood, and were, as I was told, going to fight.

Lord Metcalfe feared such a possibility. But no attack was made, and on January 17, 1844, the Governor-General wrote to Downing Street: "No attack was made on McGill College in the shape of a Bill during the late Session.

After a tedious journey of many miles, the exploring party reached Bent's Fort July 2, 1844. The labors were considered finished, and bidding his old commander goodbye, Carson made his way to Taos, where he had a most happy reunion with his family.

If the Oregon law had been declared unconstitutional, laws in twenty States, or practically all the States where women work in factories, would have been in perpetual danger, and the United States might easily have sunk to a position occupied now by no leading country in Europe. Great Britain has had protective legislation for women workers since 1844.

I had hardly got back to my post when, on the 21st of January, 1844, I received from Lieutenant R. P. Hammond, at Marietta, Georgia, an intimation that Colonel Churchill, Inspector-General of the Army, had applied for me to assist him in taking depositions in upper Georgia and Alabama; concerning certain losses by volunteers in Florida of horses and equipments by reason of the failure of the United States to provide sufficient forage, and for which Congress had made an appropriation.

Article V. on "Executive Department" differs from the corresponding article in the Constitution of 1844 in that the office of Lieutenant Governor is omitted, while the term of the Governor is made four years instead of two. Article VI., which provides for the Judiciary, limits the term of the Judges of the Supreme Court and District Courts to four years.

Of late, indeed, it had been so modified, that practically it had become little more than a dead letter; and now, in 1844, without being formally repealed, it was virtually abrogated by an act which enabled all foreigners to obtain letters of naturalization, which conferred on them every right of British subjects, except those of becoming members of Parliament, or of the Privy Council.

In many cases these lands had been given to Indian tribes in perpetuity, to compensate for the loss of their original habitat in some of the Eastern States. With strange lack of foresight, the national government had erected a barrier to its own development. As early as 1844, Douglas had proposed a territorial government for the region of which the Platte, or Nebraska, was the central stream.

Letter from William Fair, Esq. Several new series of cases are given in the letter of Mr. Storrs, contained in the appendix to this report. Mr. Storrs suggests precautions similar to those I have laid down, and these precautions are strongly enforced by Mr. Farr, who is, therefore, obnoxious to the same criticisms as myself. Hall and Dexter, in Am. Journal of Med. Sc. for January, 1844.