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The dramatic representations before this time were doubtless limited in a large measure to select audiences in castles and courts of noble residences; but Lope de Rueda had as his theater the public squares and market-places, and as his audience the great masses of the Spanish people, who now for the first time had a chance to dictate the trend which the national drama should take.

Aquí y allí, una chimenea, la fatigosa actividad de una fábrica, tráfico por todas partes, mercerías, bar-rooms, tiendas, la calle moderna, con sus enormes anuncios, sus letreros, sus reclamos, un inmenso cuadro de madera Take the Erye Railroad!, el hormiguero humano en el afán del lucro... ¡y el Niágara bramando a lo lejos!

Or if they have read a few of the best Spanish novels in French or English versions, they may not have found them very interesting. This is explained, I take it, by the fact that Spanish literature is essentially national, and if you do not know the Spanish people you can not fully understand their literature. This is largely true of all literatures, but it is especially true of the Spanish.

Doña María is a type of Spanish woman of which history furnishes numerous parallels. Her family name had suffered disgrace and her own father was crying out for an avenger; there was no one else to take up the task, she eagerly took it upon herself and punished her suitor with the death she thought he deserved.

De seguro que, no ahora, cuando en Inglaterra todo parece shocking, pero ni en tiempo de Shakespeare se lamentaría en la buena sociedad ninguna señorita como se lamenta Julieta diciendo: ...I'll to my wedding-bed; ¡And death, not Romeo, take my maidenhead!

Before the death of his wife he had given evidence of religious fervor by numerous short poems and in his sacred work, los Pastores de Belén, a long pastoral in prose and in verse relating the early history of the Holy Family. Whether Lope was influenced to take orders by motives of pure devotion or by reasons of interest has been a question of speculation for scholars ever since his time.