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Of his daughter’s wedding! At that moment? O Gerwazy, dear friend, consider; you have a human heart! “The Pantler said: ‘Pan Soplica, a wooer has just come to me on behalf of the Castellan’s175 son; you are my friend, what do you say to that? You know, sir, that I have a daughter, fair and richand the Castellan of Witepsk!

He began lazily to turn the pages, smiling to himself the while at the paradoxes of life. Here, for an hour, he sat under the limes, drunk with summer breezes and scents, toying with a book, as though he were some "indolent irresponsible reviewer" some college fellow in vacation some wooer of an idle muse. Yet dusk that evening would find him once more in the Babel of London.

The cat goes up the stairs trip, trap, The door she knocks at tap, tap, tap, "Mistress Fox, are you inside?" "Oh yes, my little cat," she cried. "A wooer he stands at the door out there." "Tell me what he is like, my dear?" "But has he nine as beautiful tails as the late Mr. Fox?" "Oh, no," answered the cat, "he has only one." "Then I will not have him."

"The girl is of my nearest blood," said the Major-General, "and if I don't leave my fortune to her, who the devil should I leave it to, sir?" and so saying, the speaker, who was in a fell paroxysm of the gout, looked so fiercely at the hinting wooer that Mr. George Glumford, who was no Achilles, was somewhat frightened, and thought it expedient to hint no more.

O Warwick, if not for my sake, nor for the sake of full redress against the ingrate whom thou repentest to have placed on my father's throne, at least for the sake of England, for the healing of her bleeding wounds, for the union of her divided people, hear the grandson of Henry V., who sues to thee for thy daughter's hand!" The royal wooer bent his knee as he spoke.

The experience was becoming more engrossing, if I may so describe it, and spring was approaching. The stars in their courses were conspiring. I was by no means as yet a self-acknowledged wooer, and we discussed love in its lighter phases through the medium of literature. Heaven forgive me for calling it so!

Ever in her youngest dreams of the future ambition had visibly blent itself with the vague ideas of love. The imagined wooer was less to be young and fair than renowned and stately.

"While scarlet is our colour," cried Everly, gallantly, as Mrs. Forester and others joined the group, while the huntress exclaimed "Speak, Major; say you deny the wooing and the wooer. Black isn't our colour, so for fun we'll pelt the robed one."

Wynne, you are a kindly and courteous gentleman. I wish and you must not misapprehend me that I loved you. Oh, I do not. Your aunt, who is so good to me, is a fierce wooer. I am afraid of her, and she must be miles away; let us join her." And with this she shook her bridle, and was off at speed, and my mare and I at her side.

She was, in fact, the "ugly duckling" of a good-looking family, removed by a whole world from her beautiful eldest sister Charlotte, who counted among her many admirers no less exalted a wooer than Prince Frederick William, the King's nephew and heir to his throne.