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The waiters, in black vests and leather slippers, a corner of their apron tucked up in their belt, run with the speed of kangaroos, carrying on metal plates syrups of every shade, ices, sweets in red, yellow, or green pyramids. Between seven and nine o'clock the whole society of Lugano defiles before you.

She was impressed by the audience: the sallow women in skirts and blouses, eager to be made to think, the men in vests and shirt-sleeves, eager to be allowed to laugh, and the wriggling children, eager to sneak away.

We think of it just after we get our heads and faces thoroughly wet or just when we think we have been in the bathtub long enough, and then, of course, an annoying delay follows. These Marseillaises make Marseillaise hymns and Marseilles vests and Marseilles soap for all the world, but they never sing their hymns or wear their vests or wash with their soap themselves.

"Always 'duty. I am sick of the word. They are a lot of old blockheads in flannel vests and of old women with foot-warmers and rosaries who constantly drone into our ears 'Duty, duty! Ah! by Jove! one's duty is to feel what is great, cherish the beautiful, and not accept all the conventions of society with the ignominy that it imposes upon us." "Yet yet " objected Madame Bovary. "No, no!

I was born too long ago to be much taken in by these chesty boys with flowered vests, but I like Fred, all the same." "So do I," said Thea positively. Bowers made a sound between a cough and a laugh. "Oh, he's a lady-killer, all right! The girls in here are always making eyes at him. You won't be the first." He threw some sheets of music on the piano.

The 33d vests the power of impeaching all officers of the state for mal and corrupt practice in the representatives of the people in assembly. The 34th allows the parties impeached or indicted for crimes and misdemeanors to have counsel.

His vivacity and abundance never leave him to loiter or pound on an incident. "In his immense quotation and allusion we quickly cease to discriminate between what he quotes and what he invents. 'Tis all Plutarch, by right of eminent domain, and all property vests in this emperor.

Not but the child looks extremely well, said my father, in his vests and tunicks. He does look very well in them, replied my mother. And for that reason it would be almost a sin, added my father, to take him out of 'em. It would so, said my mother: But indeed he is growing a very tall lad, rejoined my father. He is very tall for his age, indeed, said my mother.

I reject the doctrine of State sovereignty, which I held and defended from 1828 to 1861, but still maintain that the sovereignty of the American Republic vests in the States, though in the States collectively, or united, not severally, and thus escape alike consolidation and disintegration. I find, with Mr.

Men who had lounged about all night in smock-frocks and leather leggings, came out in silken vests and hats and plumes, as jugglers or mountebanks; or in gorgeous liveries as soft-spoken servants at gambling booths; or in sturdy yeoman dress as decoys at unlawful games.