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"They call them tabosas," said John. "The Eskimos use boots like that, but they call them mukluks. You see, I used to know a native from up-coast who was a waiter in a restaurant at Valdez. That's how I picked up my knowledge of the Aleut language which, you see, is quite considerable," he concluded, swelling out his chest a trifle. "I see now why he wanted that seal," commented Rob.

This journal contains, among other subjects, the doings of the law courts, reports from the various Residencies, and arrivals and departures of ships, with occasionally an interesting account of a journey inland made by the Resident of one of the up-coast districts. The Sarawak Gazette was organised in 1871, and will form an interesting history of the country in years to come.

Therefore the ultimate consumer whose exploitation was the prize plum of commercial success paid thirty cents per pound for spring salmon that a fisherman chivied about in the tumbling Gulf seas fifty miles up-coast had to take fourteen cents for.

Bare-legged and bare-shouldered La Paz scampered down to the beach, for the arrival of a steamer was their loop-the-loop, circus, Emancipation Day and four-o'clock tea. When the steamer was near enough, wise ones proclaimed that she was the Pajaro, bound up-coast from Callao to Panama. The Pajaro put on brakes a mile off shore. Soon a boat came bobbing shoreward.

Crow Harbor, with a manager who wasn't up on his toes, got very few. I don't believe we will ever see another big sockeye run in the Fraser anyway. So we shall have to go up-coast to supplement the Howe Sound catch and the few sockeyes we can get from gill-netters. "The Packers' Association can't hurt me much. For one thing, I'm a member.

When you had that thought, your thinking apparatus was in perfect working order." My eyes showed surprise. "You don't mean " "Yes! George." "What? 'wanted, alert, strong, handy man, to supervise up-coast property. One who can run country store preferred. Must be sober," I quoted. "The very same. I've been interviewing men for a week now and I'm sick of it. I got your letter this evening.

"What I should like to know is the percentage over the up-coast price you would pay." But he could not pin the man down to anything definite. He would only speak pleasantly of the market and possible arrangements, utter vague commonplaces in business terminology. MacRae rose. "I'm wasting your time and my own," he said. "You don't want my fish. Why not say so?"