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Progressivism seems the cant of the indifferent. Accentuated by the indecisive vote in the elections and heralded by an ambitious President who writes Humanity bigger than he writes the United States, and is accused of aspiring to world leadership, democracy unterrified and undefiled the democracy of Jefferson, Jackson and Tilden ancient history has become a back number.

Tilden, you have heard the testimony of the mail-carrier; now be good enough to tell the jury where you were on the night of the robbery how many miles from this mail-sack?" and he waved his hand contemptuously toward the bag. It was probably the first time in all his life that Bud had heard any man dignify his personality with any such title.

For some miles, practically as far as the Croton River, the way is lined with the fine estates of the wealthy, some made notable by reason of their owners, as Greystone, the former home of Samuel J. Tilden. It is no uncommon thing to have some particularly fine lawn pointed out as the most perfect in the country.

There is nothing to be done; nothing can be done. It is the law of the land the just, holy, beneficent law, which is no respecter of persons. "That's Bud Tilden, the worst of the bunch," said the jail Warden the warden with the sliced ear and the gorilla hands. "Reminds me of a cat'mount I tried to tame once, only he's twice as ugly."

Pelton: "Proposition failed. Finished responsibility as Moses. Last night Woolley found me and said he had nothing, which I knew already. Tell Tilden to saddle Blackstone." Mr. Smith W. Weed went on a similar errand to South Carolina. He did not attempt to hide behind any disguised name, and simply telegraphed over his own initial. On the 16th of November he informed Mr.

Although he had been appointed as a Republican by President Grant, as had Justice Davis by President Lincoln, yet he had rendered several decisions which gave the Democrats hope that he might give the deciding vote in their favor and thus make Mr. Tilden President.

It was all over now all her ambition, all her success, all the greatness of Joanna Godden. She had made Ansdore great and prosperous though she was a woman, and then she had lost it because she was a woman.... Words that she had uttered long ago came back into her mind. She saw herself standing in the dairy, in front of Martha Tilden, whose face she had forgotten.

I know you are not for me, but there are better men in the country than I am. Hartzman will be a great man one day he wants you. Young Tilden wants you; he has millions, and he will never disgrace them or you, the power which they can command, and the power which you have. And there are others. Your people have told you they will turn you off; the world will say things will rend you.

Ishiya Kumagae Beat Williams, Voshell, Anderson, Hawkes. Lost to Johnston, Tilden, Williams, Richards. Zenzo Shimidzu Beat Wallace Johnson , Anderson, Hawkes, Niles. Wallace Johnson Beat Watson, Washburn, Anderson. Lost to Tilden, Shimidzu . Watson Washburn Beat Williams, Johnston, Voshell. J. O. Anderson of Australia Beat R. N. Williams, Tilden, Hawkes, Lowe.

Hayes was to be President; the South, with the Negro, was to be left to the whites; there would be no further military aid to carpetbag governments. In so far as the South was concerned, it was a fortunate settlement better, indeed, than if Tilden had been inducted into office.