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The expenses of the railroads have been increased by demands of labor, by constantly rising prices and cost of rails, cars, terminals, and facilities, but we have been against allowing the railroads to meet this increased cost of operation by adequate advances in rates.

Louis when they begin work on the new terminals. I'll speak to Brundage the next time he's here." "St. Louis Bessie would like that. She's such a dear, and would enjoy pretty things so much! It seems as if she almost had a right to them." "Why did she marry a poor man, then?" Lane demanded with masculine logic. "Because she loved him, silly! She isn't mercenary."

He was thinking more clearly now. He poked the loose wire around, careless of possible shorts, and his luck held. A dozen times the bare wire tip brushed within a tiny space of terminals that would have shorted out the whole control. He found the terminal. The wire had been soldered into place. The Earthman must have used a pair of needle-nose pliers to reach in and jerk it loose.

In this way the balance of the solenoids is readjusted, the current regains its normal strength, the arc its proper width, and the light its brilliancy. X and Y are the line terminals connecting the lamp in circuit.

The secondary s of this coil is provided with knobs or spheres KK of the proper size and set at a distance suitable for the experiment. A long arc is established between the terminals AB of the first induction coil. MM are the mica plates.

If the infestation is bad the caterpillars are often numerous enough to devour the leaves as fast as the trees are able to develop them. As the webs are made on the terminals the growth of the tree is frequently checked. "Those apple trees of ours haven't had a full grown leaf on them this Spring and there are webs in the tops of them, too. That's the work of Brown Tails all right."

We have now passed through several periods of peak traffic without the car shortages which so frequently in the past have brought havoc to our agriculture and industries. The condition of many of our great freight terminals is still one of difficulty and results in imposing, large costs on the public for inward-bound freight, and on the railways for outward-bound freight.

The time soon arrived when the late comers either stayed in the manufacturing centers at the railways terminals or were pushed farther and farther away from the centers. As the landowning families multiplied, the young men were confined to the same choice. Forced off the land, the tendency has been to crowd the brainiest blood of America into the cities.

Afterward, by purchasing the Staten Island Rapid Transit Company the Baltimore and Ohio acquired extensive terminals at tidewater on Staten Island and constructed a connection in New Jersey with the New Jersey Central. Thus, after many years of struggle and at heavy cost, the Baltimore and Ohio finally secured an entry into the New York district independently of the Pennsylvania Railroad.

All the railroads would have to abandon their terminals there'd be no more traffic, and you'd have to walk across the bridge to get a drink." "Well," said Mr. Plimpton, "Tom Beatty's good enough for me, for a while." Beatty, Hodder knew, was the "boss," of the city, with headquarters in a downtown saloon. "Beatty's been maligned," Mr. Varnum declared.