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Green, for instance, the historian of the English people, seems to have had no clear conception of many of those characteristics of ordinary rural life which Mr. Seebohm has made familiar. Vinogradoff, Paul: Villainage in England. Pollock, Sir Frederick, and Maitland, F. W.: History of English Law, Vol. 1.

While John Yeardley and William Seebohm were taken into the justice-chamber, Martha Savory and Martha Towell remained in the carriage, where they were presently surrounded by a crowd, who gazed with astonishment at their equipage, no such vehicle having been seen in the town for many years, and probably never any persons in such attire.

Gibbins, H. de B.: Industry in England. Warner, George Townsend: Landmarks in English Industrial History. Price, L. L.: A Short History of English Commerce and Industry. Seebohm, Frederic: The English Village Community.

The time was now come for John Yeardley and Martha Savory to pursue their journey to the Rhine, Switzerland and France. They left Pyrmont on the 11th of the Tenth Month, 1825, and beside Martha Towell, were accompanied as far as Basle by William Seebohm as interpreter.

But when we had unfolded our sentiments, and William Seebohm had read a passage from Tuke's "Principles," the pastor, seeing that we aimed only at the spiritual sense, acknowledged that he had often queried with himself whether the usage could not properly be dispensed with, and said that he intended still further to examine the question.

William Seebohm overheard the landlord and the gendarme say to each other, "These people are travelling this way to visit the Separatists, and strengthen them in their religious opinions; but we will disappoint them." The next morning they were favored with a short season of solemn communion, in which they were given to believe that the Name of the Lord would be their strong tower.

For this, I suggest with confidence to a Liberal audience, is the condition by which all liberty must be defined. If we grant that it is the duty of the Boards to aim at a decent minimum one which in Mr. Seebohm Rowntree's phrase would secure the "human needs" of labour we have still some very difficult points of principle and of detail to settle.

The very object of the Enclosure Acts, as shown by Mr. Seebohm, was to remove this system, and it was so well removed by the nearly four thousand Acts passed between 1760 and 1844 that only faint traces of it remain now. The land of the village communities was taken by the lords, and the appropriation was sanctioned by Parliament in each separate case.

I was truly thankful to be amongst them, for it proved a most satisfactory season. They are a rustic set of folks, but have each a soul to save or to lose, and all souls are of equal value in the sight of the Judge of the whole earth. Lewis Seebohm kindly gave up his time to attend me as interpreter, for I still prefer help of this sort when it can be done through one who is so feelingly capable.

From Basle William Seebohm returned to Pyrmont, and the English Friends, hoping that they might meet Louis Majolier at Berne, went forward to that city, but were again disappointed. Although they were anxious to reach Geneva as quickly as possible, the attraction of gospel love towards Zurich was so strong that they could not continue their journey until they had visited that city.