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A great portion of the afternoon was passed away in explaining and replying to the interrogatories of these people, and our travelers felt convinced that by having kept the Sabbath in that savage land they had done some good by the example; for, as Swinton truly observed

"Of a truth, my lord, the animal furnishes half our subsistence." "I marvel," said the good goldsmith, "to see you thus poorly clad and barefoot on the Sabbath. Thou art fair to look upon, and thou must needs have suitors from the city." "Nay, my lord," replied the girl, showing a bracelet that clasped her rounded left arm; "I belong to the abbey."

Bread must not be put into the oven, nor cakes on the coal, unless there is time before the Sabbath comes in for the surface to become encrusted. Concerning the Sabbath lamp. . M. Wherewith may one light the Sabbath lamp? Not with wicks made with cedar moss, or raw flax, or silk fibre, or weeds growing in water, or ship moss.

He had felt the rôle of artist would be an excellent screen for his loitering, but he had done no painting for a little matter of twenty years, not since he was a tiny lad, flat upon his stomach in his home library, industriously tinting the robes and beards of Bible characters and the backgrounds of the Holy Land this work of art being one of the few permitted diversions of the family Sabbath.

The Sabbath at Nazareth is placed by Luke in sudden contrast with a Sabbath passed at Capernaum. On the former, as the story opens, Jesus was surrounded by his friends and townsmen; as it closes, they had turned into a fierce mob which was seeking his death.

XVII. Spiritually understood, this Commandment has a yet far higher work, which embraces the whole nature of man. Here it must be known that in Hebrew "Sabbath" means "rest," because on the seventh day God rested and ceased from all His works, which He had made.

The next Sunday was Easter Sunday, and as there had been no liberty at San Pedro, it was our turn to go ashore and misspend another Sabbath.

"It was thus," she said to herself, "that they treated brave foemen of their own race and people, who died, not on the battle-field, but of lingering disease in crowded prison pens, in the midst of pleasant homes and within hearing of the Sabbath chimes.

This being true; then it follows, that the seventh day sabbath was sanctified, that is, set apart for Adam in paradise; and so, that it was ordained a sabbath of rest to the saints from the beginning. But I answer, as I hinted before, that God did sanctify it to his own rest. As for instance: the land of Canaan was set apart many years for the children of Israel before they possessed that land.

They had kept count of the days because of the guide's quiet but firm determination to rest in camp on the Sabbath a plan which, although they had no very strong principle on the subject, commended itself to the rest of the party because of the pleasant effect of the day's rest on both soul and body, for it afforded opportunity to have long and earnest talks with Ravonino about the former days of persecution, as well as quiet strolls, alone or in couples, and it must be admitted occasional slumbers in the cool shade of bush or tree!