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Many similar historical testimonies now lying before me to the humble equality of the New Testament ministry could be added; but lest the reader become weary, I will conclude with the following beautiful description from D'Aubigne in his noted History of the Reformation: "The church was in the beginning a community of brethren, guided by a few of the brethren."

David, in his sublime tribute of praise to God in 2 Sam. 22: 36 says, "Thy gentleness hath made me great." Would you, my reader, like to be more gentle in your manner? Are you too harsh and rough? Are you, if a parent, as gentle to your children as you should be, at all times? Husband, are you as kind and gentle toward your wife as you should be?

Roland crossed the fields to the orchard wall which, as the reader will remember, he had already climbed on two occasions. Punctually at half-past eleven he gave the signal to his men to scale the wall. By the time they reached the other side the men, if they did not yet know that Roland was brave, were at least sure that he was active.

I shall conclude with a reflection which I made while I was on the coast, leaving the reader to agree with me or not, as he may be disposed.

The reader will readily enough understand that Ithuel's remark was elicited by the appearance of the boats, which, five in number, at that instant pulled off from the frigate's side and proceeded steadily toward the felucca.

For he could then, by merely refusing to see in me an authority, bring down the whole edifice of my argument like a house of cards. Moreover I am not blind to what would happen if, after I claimed to be taken as an authority, the reader was indulgent enough still to go on to read what I have written.

Emile, II. 263-267. Levana, ch. iii. § 54. Emile, II. 163. Emile, I. 23. Emile, II. 113-117. Emile, III. 382. Emile, III. 394. The reader will not forget the famous supper-party of princes in Candide. Emile, III. 392, and note. Emile, V. 220. Emile, IV. 38, 39.

The reader knows, however, that, amongst the relatives of the deceased bully, was that handsome lady, who differed as much from her cousin in her sentiments as to Kate, as she did in the extent of her credit with Mr. Urquiza. To her Kate wrote a note; and, using one of the Spanish King's gold coins for bribing the jailor, got it safely delivered.

He had his own place laid close to the reader, and with a proper apology, broke ground by asking what he read. 'I am perusing, answered the young gentleman, 'the last work of the Herr Doctor Hohenstockwitz, cousin and librarian of your Prince here in Grunewald a man of great erudition and some lambencies of wit.

A poem, an essay, a novel, even a paper on political economy, may be worth gold untold to one reader, and worth nothing whatever to another. It may be precious to one mood of the reader, and worthless to another mood of the same reader. How, then, is it to be priced, and how is it to be fairly marketed?