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A growing warmth suffused the horizon, and soon the sun emerged and looked out over the cloud-waste, flinging bars of ruddy light across it, staining its folds and billow-caps with blushes, purpling the shaded troughs between, and glorifying the massy vapor-palaces and cathedrals with a wasteful splendor of all blendings and combinations of rich coloring.

A vague regret filled his heart as he gazed silently out over the prospect of river and city and vineyard, purpling together below the top where he stood, and mixed with this regret was a vague resentment of his wife's absence.

"That is merely to protect ourselves," struck in Newmark. "But," exploded Heinzman, his face purpling, "a dollar a tousand is absurd!" "Of course it is," agreed Newmark. "We expect it to be. But also we expect you to break out your own rollways in time. It is intended as a penalty in case you don't." "I vill not stand for such foolishness," pounded Heinzman on the arm of his chair.

"And what are you doing here?" he demanded, with another oath. "I have just this moment come here," said I, as calmly as I might. "I lost the trail in the darkness." He glared at me, purpling, perplexed. "Is Sevier there?" said he, pointing at the house. "I don't know," said I. Tipton turned to his men, who were listening. "Surround the house," he cried, "and watch this fellow."

The black horse plunged and tried to back away; the white one stiffened against the pull of the rope. Between the two of them, they came near finishing José once for all. And from the side where stood the white men came the vicious sound of a pistol shot. "Slack, Surry!" Jack, on the ground, glimpsed the purpling face of his foe. "Slack, you devil!"

"Milk," the AEC man yelped, purpling. "Milk! I said this is a hot area; it's loaded with radiation. Look at this " He pointed to the meter on his counter, then stopped, gawked at the instrument and shook it. And stared again. The meter flicked placidly along at the barely-above-normal background level count.

Then, in the warm, sunny days, shadows of great fleecy clouds chased each other leisurely up the braes through the bracken and the purpling heather; the burn sang to itself a merry tune as it tumbled from boulder to boulder, rippling through pools where the yellow trout lay basking; on the clear air came the call of grouse, and afar off a solitary raven croaked in the stillness of a sun-steeped glen.

The parched earth was pale, and great cracks that only the autumn rains could fill had opened on the hillsides, but the ripening maize lay snug within its narrow sheaths of green, and the leaves of the vines hid great bunches of purpling grapes.

"It's so big it sometimes makes me wonder. Look at 'em," he cried, pointing out at the purpling distance, "rising step after step till it don't seem they can ever git bigger. An' between each step there's a sort of world different from any other. Each one's hidden all up, so pryin' eyes can't see into 'em. There's life in those worlds, all sorts of life.

A vague regret filled his heart as he gazed silently out over the prospect of river and city and vineyard, purpling together below the top where he stood, and mixed with this regret was a vague resentment of his wife's absence.