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A bony enlargement does not always accompany the lameness, and a spavin may be present without the horse going noticeably lame. The prognosis is always uncertain and should be guided somewhat by the conformation of the limb, character of the work required of the animal, position of the bony enlargement and the degree of lameness. The size of the enlargement is changed very little by the treatment.

This is readily recognized by palpation. By palpating the suspensory ligament from its proximal portion down to and beyond its bifurcation, while the affected member is supporting weight, it is possible to diagnose rupture of one of its branches. Prognosis and Treatment.

If the horse does not go down recovery may occur within a few hours, and we are able to move the horse to the stable. Dark brown urine may be passed. At other times, the animal lies in a natural position, possesses a good appetite, but can not stand. In the severe form, it is restless and shows marked nervous symptoms. The prognosis is unfavorable in the severe form.

When spavin is bilateral and lameness is likewise affecting both members, prognosis is at once unfavorable. Such cases are often benefited by cauterization but only one leg at a time should be treated. This operation has its indications, however, and may be recommended in chronic lameness where no extensive exostosis exists which may mechanically interfere with function.

In young and rachitic animals outdoor exercise and a good nutritive ration for the subject are indicated. Hypophosphites in assimilable form may be beneficial, and vesication of the patellar region contributes to recovery. Where extreme luxation is present in both stifles, the prognosis is unfavorable.

At ease in the soft chair, his legs extended, with feet crossed, he observed Irene from under humorously bent brows; watched her steadily, until he saw that she could bear it no longer. Then he spoke. "I thought we should get through without it." "Without what?" "This little reaction. It comes into the ordinary prognosis, I believe; but we seemed safe. Yet I can't say I'm sorry.

Quoting Merillat : "When, after four weeks, there is no amelioration of the paralysis, the muscles have atrophied, and the patient has become emaciated from pain and discomfort, the diagnosis of brachial paralysis with fracture of the first rib may then be announced." Prognosis.

The body temperature may be several degrees above the normal, the appetite is impaired or the animal stops eating and acts sleepy. A small amount of highly-colored urine may be passed. Nervous symptoms, such as muscular twitching, excited condition, delirium and paralysis, may be noted. The prognosis is unfavorable. In pyaemia the animal may live from a few days to several months.

The pulse becomes feeble and rapid, the respiratory nerve centres are profoundly depressed, and delirium followed by coma usually precedes the fatal issue, which may take place in from five to forty-eight hours. If the patient survives for two days the prognosis is favourable. Treatment.

If there are such serious conditions as edema, ascites, lung congestion, cyanosis and great dyspnea, the prognosis is dire. Obesity being a cause of high blood pressure, it should be treated more or less energetically, even if the individual does not continue to add weight. Int.