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The spirit of the second, I think, almost dreaded to discover; he felt life, I believe, too keenly to want to probe into it; he spun his gossamer to lure himself and all away from life. That was his driving mood; but the craftsman in him, longing to be clear and poignant, made him more natural, more actual than most realists. So, how thin often is the hedge!

The unlucky letter he asked Mackenzie to send to the Wellington Theater the letter devised as a probe into Bower's motives, but which was now cruelly searching its author's heart had undoubtedly supplied to a slighted woman the clew to her rival's identity.

Gertie complied with alacrity, and took her father's arm. "Oh!" she exclaimed, with a little scream, as a thorn full five inches long gave her a wicked probe on the left shoulder. Hans Marais sprang up and gallantly raised the branch which had touched her. "It is only Kafirs who can run against mimosa thorns with impunity," said the handsome young Dutchman.

Then this mystery of her knowledge of the night he had to probe; and she told him, in old-world, romantic language, how she had discovered the stairs and Aphrodite, and even of the iron-bound box which she had never been able to move. "It contains some papers of that Sir Timothy, I expect," she said.

Does law probe no deeper than the pillage of a watch? Can one filch our self-respect and escape free? Shall not our souls also sue for damages against its aggressor? Some person rich enough must pay for his lacerations or there was less justice in heaven than in the Police Courts; and it might be that girl's lot to expiate the sins of Mary.

Several times over, the Fly leaves the bird's beak and comes to take a rest upon the wire-gauze, where she brushes her hind-legs one against the other. In particular, before using it again, she cleans, smooths and polishes her laying-tool, the probe that places the eggs. Then, feeling her womb still teeming, she returns to the same spot at the joint of the beak.

But there were no more tete-a-tetes. Mrs. Morrell managed to convey the idea that she was displeased, and Keith was of a sufficiently generous and ingenuous disposition to be intrigued by the fact. He had no chance to probe the matter. In a moment or so Mrs. Morrell rose and strolled toward the drawing-room. The others straggled after her.

He had also saved his camel from a little earlier death, inasmuch as he had decided to probe for the faithful creature's jugular vein and carotid artery during the torturing heats of the morrow and prolong his life at its expense.

Martha was the first to meet Him outside of the town, where in quiet, and undisturbed by the noisy mourners from Jerusalem, and by their sympathising friends, Jesus desired, with His considerate kindness, to probe and heal those sorely wounded hearts. And what was her salutation? "Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died!" What means this?

A deeper probe resulted in the unearthing of a splintered cedar plank evidently torn from a chest that had contained the money. "Of all the astonishing things that ever happened this is the most utterly paralyzing!" exclaimed Archie jubilantly.