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Paul's Church-yard, that fountain-head of literature. Mr. Newberry was the first that ever filled my infant mind with the idea of a great and good man. He published all the picture-books of the day; and, out of his abundant love for children, he charged "nothing for either paper or print, and only a penny-halfpenny for the binding!"

When Colonel William Drayton Rutherford fell in battle at Strasburg, Virginia, on the 13th of October, 1864, he was but a little more than twenty-seven years of age, having been born in Newberry, S.C., on the 23rd day of September, 1837.

It was Mrs. Newberry who comed in to you just by now, because she wanted to see if you was good-looking. Later in the evening, when Stockdale was about to begin supper, she came again. 'I have come myself, Mr. Stockdale, she said. The minister stood up in acknowledgment of the honour. 'I am afraid little Marther might not make you understand.

He never sought comfort or the welfare of himself the interest, the safety, the well being of his men seemed to be his ruling aim and ambition. I append a short sketch of Colonel Nance taken from Dr. Barksdale's book, "Eminent and Representative Men of the Carolinas:" He received his school education at Newberry, and was graduated from the Citadel Military Academy, at Charleston.

This second period was marked by the building of such steamers as the Michigan, the Great Western, and the Illinois. These were the first boats with an upper cabin and were looked upon with marked suspicion by those best acquainted with the severe storms upon the Great Lakes. The Michigan, of 475 tons, built by Oliver Newberry at Detroit in 1833, is said to have been the first ship of this type.

'Nothing, thank you, said Stockdale, thinking less of what he replied than of what might be her relation to the household. 'You are quite sure? said the young woman, apparently aware that he had not considered his answer. He conscientiously examined the tea-things, and found them all there. 'Quite sure, Miss Newberry, he said. 'It is Mrs. Newberry, she said.

Later on Murchison studied them in Russia, and described them, conjointly with Verneuil and Von Kerserling, in a ponderous and classical work. In America they were studied by Hall, Newberry, Whitney, Dana, Whitfield, and other pioneer geologists, who all but anticipated their English contemporaries.

"I doubt it," said Mr. Fyshe. "In fact, Newberry, to speak very frankly, I begin to ask myself, Is Furlong the man for the post?" "Oh, surely," said Mr. Newberry in protest. "Personally a charming fellow," went on Mr. Fyshe; "but is he, all said and done, quite the man to conduct a church? In the first place, he is not a businessman." "No," said Mr. Newberry reluctantly, "that I admit."

As well known, the old soldiers of the First Empire taught the young conscripts that in order to have courage and not feel the blows of the enemy, it was only necessary to drink a glass of brandy into which gunpowder had been poured. La Nature. By J.S. NEWBERRY.

The results of this expedition are embodied in Vol. 6 P. R. R. Reports. The reports of Dr. Newberry on the "Geology, Botany and Zoology of North California and Oregon," are republished in a volume of 300 pp., 4to., with 48 plates.