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He kistured lester noko grai adree the steeple-chase for the ruppeny kek, a sonnakai tank I think it was, but he nashered. It was dovo tano rye that yeck divvus in his noko park dicked a Rommany chal's tan pash the rikk of a bor; and at yeck leap he kistered apre the bor, and jalled right atut an' parl the Rommany chal's tan.

But aduro timeus yeck jalled avree an' got nashered, and kenna there's only shove; but they pens 'em the Seven Whistlers. An' that sims the story tute pookered mandy of the Seven Stars. Sir, the story of the Seven Whistlers, you know, is in the Scriptures so they told me. An' the Seven Whistlers are seven spirits of ladies that go by the night, through the air, over the heaven, like birds.

I pookered him I'd pii'd dui or trin curros levinor and was pash matto. An' he penned mandy, "My mush was matto sar tute, and I nashered him." I pookered him ajaw, "I hope not, rya, for such a bitti covvo as dovo; an' he aint cammoben to piin' levinor, he's only used to pabengro, that don't kair him matto." But kek, the choro mush had to jal avree.

Then he went that road again, to the same house, and said, "Look here at this fine kettle! I gave six shillings for it, and you shall have it for the same money, because you have been so good to me." That man was like a great many men very benevolent to himself. If a Rommany chal gets nashered an' can't latch his drum i' the ratti, he shells avree, "Hup, hup Rom-ma-ny, Rom-ma-ny jo-ter!"

A rakli acai lelled a hora waver divvus from a waver rakli, and the one who nashered it pens: "Del it pauli a mandi and I wont dukker tute! Del it apre!" But the waver rakli penned "kek," and so they bitchered for the prastramengro. He lelled the juva to the wardo, and just before she welled odoi, she hatched her wast in her poachy, an' chiv it avree, and the prastramengro hatched it apre.

Penned the hotchewitchi, "I'd rather jal with the Rommany chals, an' be hawed by foki that kaum mandy, than be pirraben apre by chals that dick kaulo apre mandy." It's kushtier for a tacho Rom to be mullered by a Rommany pal than to be nashered by the Gorgios.

But at the kunsus of the divvus, sa yuv sus kennin apre sustis wongurs, he penned, "How wafro it is mandy nashered the trinoras I might have lelled for the mass-koshters!" A mush must always pet the giv in the puv before he can chin the harvest. Once a poor man sat down to make threepence-worth of skewers for a butcher.

And when they jalled to dick at the Rommanis' covvas pauli the bor adree the cangry-puv, the gunnos were pordo and chivved adree, chingered saw to cut-engroes, and they latched 'em full o' ruppeny covvos rooys an' churls of sonnakai, an' oras, curros an' piimangris, that had longed o' the Rommany chals that were nashered an' bitschered padel. A Gipsy girl once went to a house to tell fortunes.

"They penned mandy to gaver the gry, but I nashered to keravit, an' the mush who lelled the gry welled alangus an' dicked it." It is only a few hours since I heard of a gentleman who took incredible pains to induce the Gipsies to teach him their language, but never succeeded. I must confess that I do not understand this.

And don't throw stones at the rooks, because they are dark, and dark blood is Gipsy blood. I jinned a tano mush yeckorus that nashered sar his wongur 'dree the toss- ring. Then he jalled kerri to his dadas' kanyas and lelled pange bar avree. Paul' a bitti chairus he dicked his dadas an' pookered lester he'd lelled pange bar avree his gunnas.