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The circumstances of the marriage, which help to explain the lax view of the vows common among the great people of the time, are given with perhaps a shade too much dramatic colouring in Madame d'Epinay's Mém., i 101. Conf., ix. 281. D'Epinay, ii. 246. D'Epinay, ii. 269. Musset-Pathay has collected two or three trifles of her composition, ii. 136-138.

Nov. 1762. To M. Montmollin. Conf., xii. 206. Conf., xii. 198. Corr., iii. 295. Dec. 25, 1763. Quoted in Musset-Pathay, ii. 500. For instance, Corr., iii. 249. Ib., iii. 364, 381. Corr., iii. 181-186, etc. Frederick Eugene, known in the Seven Years' War, was another brother. Rousseau's correspondent became reigning duke in 1793, but only lived a year and a half afterwards. Corr., iii. 250.

See Rousseau's note to her, Corr., i. 178. Conf., viii. 190. Conf., viii. 183. Conf., viii. 202; and Musset-Pathay, ii. 439. When in Strasburg, in 1765, he could not bring himself to be present at its representation. Oeuv. et Corr. Inéd., p. 434. Madame de Staël insisted that her father said this, and Necker insisted that it was his daughter's. Corr., i. 176. Feb. 13, 1753. Conf., viii. 208-210.

Letter dated Jan. 4, 1766, and given by Musset-Pathay as from a Scotch lord, unnamed. Boswell had the honour of conducting Theresa to England, after Hume had taken Rousseau over. "This young gentleman," writes Hume, "very good-humoured, very agreeable, and very mad has such a rage for literature that I dread some circumstance fatal to our friend's honour.

We need not impute the apparent discrepancy to insincerity. Rousseau was always apt to think in a slipshod manner. He sensibly though illogically accepted wholesome practical maxims, as if they flowed from theoretical premisses that were in truth utterly incompatible with them. Musset-Pathay has collected the details connected with the award of the prize, ii. 365-367.

Musset-Pathay, i. 289. Preface to Dissertation sur la Musique Moderne, pp. 32, 33. I am indebted to Mr. James Sully, M.A., for furnishing me with notes on a technical subject with which I have too little acquaintance. Dissertation, p. 42. Conf., vii. 18, 19. Also Dissertation, pp. 74, 75.

Rousseau's thoughts had been wandering into subjects akin to that of the prize essay before he had seen the announcement in the Mercure de France. Musset-Pathay, ii. 363. The very question asked by the academy suggests the possibility of an answer unfavorable to civilization, but Rousseau's treatment of it was such as to form the beginning of an epoch in the history of thought.