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"You must regulate that imagination of yours," she said playfully. "It conceives the thing that is not. Pray, when" and here, turning her head, she bent down upon his face a gaze of arch mock-seriousness "pray, when did I describe myself in these terms? When did I say that I should never know what love meant?"

"Are you often taken like that?" the painter asked Cottard, with mock-seriousness. As a rule, once an explanation had been given, Cottard would say: "Ah, good, good; that's all right, then," after which he would shew not the least trace of emotion.

But we should ask, with the mock-seriousness befitting such a psychological study, how it was that, while American girls married baronets and viscounts and earls and dukes, almost none, if any, of their brothers married the sisters or daughters of such noblemen.

And this, thought I, was the end of the undertaking upon which we had entered so lightly, with frolic jests of piracy and Spanish galleons and pieces-of-eight, and with all that mock-seriousness with which we discussed hypnotic suggestion and psychic force! The bitterness grew sickening, as Corcoran, hearing the long whistle of the engine, said that we were coming into Barslow.

"First he's sent over to-day," said the adjutant. "He's been awfully quiet these last two days." Manning had brought in the bread-and-butter and apple pudding that Meddings had made to celebrate his return from leave, when the door opened abruptly. Gillespie, the D.A. gas officer stood there. It was the habit to complain with mock-seriousness that Gillespie timed his visits with our meal-times.

He liked to be considered a person of importance, and he wanted the conversation to get back to ibex. "I speak as of a different nation," Marker said, looking towards Lewis. "But I find the curse of modern times is this mock-seriousness. Some centuries ago men and women were serious about honour and love and religion.

Twice Oconostota sought to speak, and he sputtered, and choked, and could not, for his relish of the thought in his mind. Then with a deep mock-seriousness he demanded slowly if it were fireproof. And relapsed into his shaking chuckle. "What?" demanded Stuart, uncomprehending. "This oath of yours to the English government.