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"Yes, I shall be a doctor of philosophy," I answered, frostily "What's that? You want to be both a doctor and a philosopher? But you know the saying, 'Many trades few blessings." "I am not going to be a doctor and a philosopher, but a doctor of philosophy," I said, with a sneer "And how much will you make?" "Oh, let him alone, Meyer," his mother intervened.

But the faithful Streicher was there and friend Meyer, the manager, and Schwan, the publisher, whose vivacious daughter, Margarete, gradually kindled in the heart of the new-comer another faint blue flame which he ultimately mistook for love. His first concern was to write to Frau von Wolzogen, who had loaned him money for his journey, a detailed report of his finances.

"There is another bond of sympathy between us," he said warmly; "you think as I do." Good Heavens, if Frau Meyer had told me the truth, what would happen when Madame Fontaine discovered that her promissory note was in the hands of a stranger a man who would inexorably present it for payment on the day when it fell due? I tried to persuade myself that Frau Meyer had not told me the truth.

Historian, s. of Meyer Cohen, a Jewish stockbroker, but at his marriage in 1823, having previously become a Christian, assumed his mother-in-law's name of Palgrave. He studied law, and was called to the Bar in 1827.

"You mean that you want to mesmerize her as you did the Zulu chief." Benita opened her lips to speak, but Meyer said quickly: "No, no; hear me first before you refuse. You have the gift, the precious gift of clairvoyance, that is so rare." "How do you know that, Mr. Meyer? I have never been mesmerized in my life." "It does not matter how.

Botha seldom undertook a project unless he first consulted with Meyer, and the two constantly worked hand-in-hand. Their friends frequently referred to them as Damon and Pythias, and the parallel was most appropriate, for they were as nearly the counterparts of those old Grecian warriors as modern limitations would allow.

You can help him out of your pocket, though that is, provided it is not empty." My bewigged little landlady was feasting her eyes on her son Meyer went on with his argument: "What is a man without capital? Nothing! Nobody cares for him. He is like a beast. A beast can't talk, and he can't. 'Money talks, as the Americans say." His words and manner put me in a socialist mood. He was hateful to me.

"But to-night ?" "Oh, to-night everything's different to-night. I wonder " She paused. She was leaning back in her chair, with her head against a cushion, looking at him with a slight, half-ironical smile in her eyes and at the corners of her lips. "I wonder," she continued, "what Meyer Isaacson will think." "Of our marriage?" "Yes. Do you suppose it will surprise him?"

Below us on the dock, protected by two obvious members of the strong-arm squad, the great banker, philanthropist, and Hebrew, Adolph Meyer, was waiting. We were so close that I could read his face. It was stern, set; the face of a man intent upon his duty, unrelenting. Without question, of a bad business Mr. Smedburg had made the worst. I turned to speak to Talbot and found him gone.

The burly Lucas Meyer, smart young Smuts fresh from the siege of Ookiep, Beyers from the north, Kemp the dashing cavalry leader, Muller the hero of many fights all these with many others of their sun-blackened, gaunt, hard-featured comrades were grouped within the great tent of Vereeniging. The discussions were heated and prolonged.