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I will always support your authority when you are correct; but I regret that in this instance you have necessitated me to weaken it." This was a most severe check to Mr Phillott, who immediately went below, after hailing the mastheads and calling down the midshipmen.

Well, there will be nine arquebuses for you, sir; for I have been out here two winters and have learnt to skate, so I will accompany the party, the other nine arquebuses with ammunition we will hand over to you." A lookout at one of the mastheads now shouted that he could make out a black mass on the ice near Amsterdam, and believed that it was a large body of troops.

The mantel-piece was ornamented with some beautiful branches of coral, several large and rare shells, and two horns of the narwhal, or sea-unicorn, fixed against the wall, and above it was the picture of a ship under all sail, with boats hoisted up along her sides, and flags flying at her mastheads and peak.

There was a great breadth of sky through the windows; against the sky rose the mastheads; and some red and brown sails curtained the space, bringing into relief the gray line of the sad-faced old houses fringing the shoreline. "Couldn't have chosen better if we'd tried, could we? It's just the right hour, and just the right kind of light.

A ship whose mastheads protruded through the sky and could not be seen, was discharging grain, and the wind whirled the dry husks in spirals along the quay of a dock with no water in it. He whirled along with the husks very tired and light. All his inside was gone. He felt lighter than the husks and more dry. He expanded his hollow chest.

With the Satsuma and the Aki in the van and the four other ships following, the enemy's squadron advanced, enveloped in a thin veil of smoke. High up in the stern of the Connecticut and at her mastheads waved the tattered Stars and Stripes. The few gunners, who had served the guns to the end, crept out of the turrets and worked their way up over broken steps.

She had in her favor also a decided superiority of speed; and, being just from England after a period of refit, was in excellent sailing trim. When first visible to each other from the mastheads, the vessels were some twelve miles apart. They continued to approach until 8.30, when the "United States," being then about three miles distant, wore turned round standing on the other tack.

It was not many years before the War, to be a little more precise, though then I was unaware of the reason of the darkness, except common fog. Besides, why should a Londoner, and even an East-Ender whose familiar walls are topped by mastheads, believe in the nearness of the ocean? We think of the shipping no more than we do of the paving stones or of the warnings of the pious.

And my second self was making now ready to slip out and lower himself overboard. Perhaps he was gone already . . .? The great black mass brooding over our very mastheads began to pivot away from the ship's side silently. And now I forgot the secret stranger ready to depart, and remembered only that I was a total stranger to the ship. I did not know her. Would she do it? How was she to be handled?

It seemed at times that our bow and our stern were where the mastheads usually are, and our rails were frequently rolled under. Rice and Hunt stood one watch, Cary and I the second, and here Rice, though a good sailor and an experienced yachtsman, finally succumbed.