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That was the most humane act experienced from German hands during my fifteen months' sojourn in Germany. On the eleventh day we were marched out to what would be the Germans' orderly room. A Canadian who had picked up a smattering of German acted as interpreter. He did what he could for us, which was little enough.

As soon as the alarm sounded Lieutenant-Colonel McRae of the 45th Sikhs, a holder of the Gold Medal of the Royal Humane Society and of long experience in Afghanistan and on the Indian frontier, ran to the Quarter Guard, and collecting seven or eight men, sent them under command of Major Taylor, of the same regiment, down the Buddhist road to try and check the enemy's advance.

Conducive to the same end will be the rugged and humane ideals and activities of the Boy Scouts under his control; and all that is well done in the boys' clubs the athletics, debates, trials, councils, literary and historical programs, addresses by respected public officials, visits to public institutions, the study of social conditions, especially in the young men's classes of the Sunday school will make for the same good citizenship.

I have good reason to believe that, were the people of Yemen to effect their deliverance from Constantinople, the same humane feeling would be found to exist among them; and I know that it exists in Nejd; while even in Hejaz, which is commonly looked upon as the hot-bed of religious intolerance, I found all that was truly Arabian in the population as truly liberal.

Born in a high family, they are humane, liberal, and loath to do any act which would bring on shame. They know what is proper to be done. A base deed is not befitting you, for you are so high-minded, and have such a terrible following of troops. If you committed a sinful act, it would be a blot on your fair name, as a drop of collyrium on a white cloth.

They fetch a good sum; and this little devil is such a comical, musical concern, he's just the article! "I would rather not sell him," said Mr. Shelby, thoughtfully; "the fact is, sir, I'm a humane man, and I hate to take the boy from his mother, sir." "O, you do? La! yes something of that ar natur. I understand, perfectly.

This Spirit cures and heales the Leprosie and the French Pox, as being an over-fix'd Mercurial Essence, dries up and consumes the Dropsie, and all running and open Sores, which have raged a long season, it strengthens the Heart and Brain, makes a good Memory, generates good Blood, brings Lust, Delight and Desires in humane incitation unto Natural Affections.

That's what gets the men's goat that he puts up such a humane front, and all the while hammers them on the sly. They'd prefer being told at the start they were going to get hell, and then getting it; but it goes against their grain to get it, and meantime have folks outside believe they're in a gentlemen's country club!"

We may conclude our brief character of Comnenus, by saying, that, had he not been called on to fill the station of a monarch who was under the necessity of making himself dreaded, as one who was exposed to all manner of conspiracies, both in and out of his own family, he might, in all probability, have been regarded as an honest and humane prince.

If he had known that the property before him belonged to a pig who did not believe the Prophet, it might have been different; but he could not tell that, and he turned Harry Forsyth over to give him a drink of water. As he did so he saw the ring on his finger, and his humane intention vacillated. He had a fancy for a ring like that.