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Of the Shang dynasty, which now followed, we have knowledge both from later texts and from excavations and the documents they have brought to light. Of the origin of the Shang State we have no details, nor do we know how the Hsia culture passed into the Shang culture. The central territory of the Shang realm lay in north-western Honan, alongside the Shansi mountains and extending into the plains.

In any case, the Chin had reason to fear the Mongols from 1147 onward, and therefore were the more inclined to leave the Sung in peace. In 1210 the Mongols began the first great assault against the Chin, the moment they had conquered the Hsia. In the years 1215-17 the Mongols took the military key-positions from the Chin. After that there could be no serious defence of the Chin empire.

Situated at the head of Buffalo Mouth Reach, said to be more difficult to approach than even the Yeh T'an, because of the great swirls in the bay below. H.M.S. Woodlark came to grief here on her maiden trip up river. Encountered through the Urishan Hsia or Gloomy Mountain Gorge, particularly nasty during mid-river season.

Their history shows plainly that they recognized the right of men like Tang or Wu to overturn tyrants like Chieh of the Hsia dynasty, and Chou of the Yen dynasty. But nothing could be at greater variance with the cardinal tenet of the Japanese polity, which holds that "the King can do no wrong" and that the Imperial line must remain unbroken to all eternity.

Its ruler, Ho-lien P'o-p'o, belonged to the family of Mao Tun and originally, like Liu Yüan, bore the sinified family name Liu; but he altered this to a Hun name, taking the family name of Ho-lien. This one fact alone demonstrates that the Hsia rejected Chinese culture and were nationalistic Hun.

And in his subsequent proclamation to the empire, he spoke of that God as follows: "God has given to every man a conscience; and if all men acted in accordance with its dictates, they would not stray from the right path. . . . The way of God is to bless the good and punish the bad. He has sent down calamities on the House of Hsia, to make manifest its crimes." God manifests displeasure.

Speedily interrupting the theatrical performance, they had the banquet cleared, and the altar laid out with incense, and opening the centre gate they fell on their knees to receive the edict. Soon they caught sight of the head eunuch, Hsia Ping-chung, advancing on horseback, and besides himself, a considerable retinue of eunuchs.

As she said this, she gave orders to drive the "scented" carriage, and went on her way by the quickest cut; while Chia Yuen, who was irrepressibly delighted, betook himself into the I Hsia study, and inquired after Pao-yue.

The root, with its three shoots, Could make no progress, no growth . The nine regions were effectually secured by Thang. By 'the root' we are to understand Thang's chief opponent, Kieh, the last king of Hsia. The concluding lines indicate that the temple was made on the occasion which I thus assign to it.

The year, during the Hsia dynasty, began with the first month of spring, as it now does in China, in consequence of Confucius having said that that was the proper time. Under the Shang dynasty, it commenced a month earlier; and during the Kau period, it ought always to have begun with the new moon preceding the winter solstice, between our November 22 and December 22.