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And in his sleep he dreamed that he was lying in the House of the Raven, and his sisters came to him and said, "Rise up now, Hallblithe! wilt thou be a sluggard on the day of thy wedding? Come thou with us to the House of the Rose that we may bear away the Hostage."

It all depends on circumstances, but my judgment is if he had a chance and if he didn't think it too great a risk that he would try to hold her a prisoner as a sort of hostage to gloat over." "You mean keep her unharmed?" They were already in the saddle and on the road. Dave looked across at his white-faced friend. "I'm only guessing, Roy, but that's the way I figure it," he said gently.

The devil who did the deed might escape him, for hell was vast and deep; yet the city remained, even the Byzantium ancient of days like himself, and he would hold it a hostage for the safe return of his Gul Bahar.

In an instant I was surrounded by the enemy. M. Chevalier, who conducted the land detachment, fortunately perceived my situation, and, seeing my danger, brought up the two guns and fired about 20 shots, which disengaged me, and gave me time to regain my boats by swift rowing. I had with me only Pedro and the Moorish hostage mentioned before.

Jones and you others, too, must go on home. You will have to surrender to the courts. These men are going to leave the state. All of you must disperse at once." "And you yourself, " began Dunwody grimly; "what do you plan?" "I remain. I am a hostage. It will now be known where I am. You will be responsible for me, now.

He then went to Demetrius, who had married his elder sister, and fought under him at the battle of Ipsus; after which Demetrius sent him as a hostage to Alexandria, and his grace and spirit made him so great a favourite with Ptolemy that he gave him his step-daughter Berenice in marriage, and helped him to raise an army with which he recovered his kingdom of Epirus.

At the time when the king was expected, his brother came on board, to request of Drake that he would come to the castle, proposing to stay himself as a hostage for his return. Drake refused to go, but sent some gentlemen, detaining the king's brother in the mean time.

"This danger is something like the other, madame; he may be furious, but I am safe here." "You believe so?" "I am sure of it; your majesty has announced it to me yourself." "How so?" "Because if you had been charged only with menaces, you would not have come, and the king in that case would have hesitated to place such a hostage in my hands." "A hostage! I!" cried she, terrified.

Philip had previously passed several years at Thebes as a hostage, where he eagerly availed himself of the excellent opportunities which that city afforded for the acquisition of various kinds of knowledge.

When he made a treaty with Ptolemy, Pyrrhus was sent to Egypt as a hostage, where he hunted and practised gymnastics with Ptolemy, showing great bodily strength and endurance.