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In Bengali Halhed had printed at Hoogli in 1783, with types cut by Wilkins, the first grammar, but it had become obsolete and was imperfect.

The last disappointment was on 25th November 1800, when "the first Hindoo" catechumen, Fakeer, offered himself for baptism, returned to his distant home for his child, and appeared no more, probably "detained by force." But on the last Sunday of that year Krishna Pal was baptised in the Hoogli and his whole family soon followed him. He was thirty-five years of age.

When first we saw it the now mutilated ruin was perfect, and under the wide-spreading banian tree behind a Brahman was reciting, for a day and a night, the verses of the Mahabharata epic to thousands of listening Hindoos. "Long, Hoogli, has thy sullen stream Been doomed the cheerless shores to lave; Long has the Suttee's baneful gleam Pale glimmered o'er thy midnight wave.

"Talk to me about responsibility. I'd rather run a schooner up the Hoogli than to steer that girl of mine." "You've wakened to your duty rather late, haven't you!" asked Mrs. Weston. "I suppose it's the Englishman who is making you anxious?" The captain dropped his voice. "Did you see the way she looked at him at dinner? By George! it was enough to melt the leg off an iron pot!"

She was buried the next day in the missionary burying-ground." About the same time that Carey himself settled in Serampore there arrived the Lady Rumohr. She built a house on the Hoogli bank immediately below that of the missionaries, whose society she sought, and by whom she was baptised.

So he asked the doctor if he might go to Persia on the way home, and he agreed. So Martyn went down from Cawnpore to Calcutta, and in a boat down the Hoogli river to the little Arab coasting sailing ship the Hummoudi, which hoisted sail and started on its voyage round India to Bombay.

Effects of the news in England on the Baptists On the home churches In the foundation of the London and other Missionary Societies In Scotland In Holland and America The missionary home Joshua Marshman, William Ward, and two others sent out Landing at the Iona of Southern Asia Meeting of Ward and Carey First attempt to evangelise the non-Aryan hill tribes Carey driven by providences to Serampore Dense population of Hoogli district Adapts his communistic plan to the new conditions Purchase of the property Constitution of the Brotherhood His relations to Marshman and Ward Hannah Marshman, the first woman missionary Daily life of the Brethren Form of Agreement Carey's ideal system of missionary administration realised for fifteen years Spiritual heroism of the Brotherhood.

Even had he received the whole of his £75, as he really did in one way or other, what was that for such a family as his at the beginning of their undertaking? The expense of living at all in Calcutta drove the whole party thirty miles up the river to Bandel, an old Portuguese suburb of the Hoogli factory.

And when the four days' work in Calcutta was over, the early tide bore him swiftly up the Hoogli to the study where, for the rest of the week, he gave himself to the translation of the Bible into the languages of the people and of their leaders.

The whole settlement finally formed a block of at least five acres, with almost palatial buildings, on the right bank of the Hoogli, which, with a breadth of half a mile when in flood, rolls between it and the Governor-General's summer house and English-like park of Barrackpore.