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The Emperor expected him to select only a loyal, trustworthy, and vigorous nobleman who had taken the oath of fealty to his Majesty. If he should be in the military service, the necessary leave of absence was granted in advance; only he must present himself to the Lord Bishop of Arras that very day. Sir Wolf Hartschwert must depart for Brussels in the regent's train early the next morning.

Bowing as he spoke, he prepared to take leave of the Queen, but she detained him with the remark: "Our invitation went to Sir Wolf Hartschwert also. He is a native of Ratisbon, and can aid you and the quartermasters in assigning lodgings." "A fresh proof of the wise caution of my august mistress," replied Quijada.

While speaking, she beckoned to the Marquise de Leria, her oldest lady in waiting, and, as the latter bent her aged back to adjust the pillows, the Queen whispered to her to detain the conductor of the orchestra and Sir Wolf Hartschwert.

Eye and ear witnesses had reported that, notwithstanding his Majesty's positive orders to avoid her old home, she had entered the house and the knight's apartments, knelt beside his couch, and even kissed his weak, burning hand with tender devotion. But though she still retained a portion of her former affection for Wolf Hartschwert, she loved the Emperor Charles with passionate fervour.

"Nonsense!" the Emperor broke in wrathfully. "The contrary is true. The Queen of Hungary was commissioned to assure the supposed boy of my approval. Tell her this, Sir Wolf Hartschwert, and do so at once. Tell her " "She rode to the forest with some friends," Wolf timidly ventured to interpose to save himself other orders impossible to execute.

He was unwilling to expose himself again to an outburst of her rage, and he would therefore intrust to another the task of rendering her more docile, and this other was Wolf Hartschwert. A few days before he had visited the recovering knight, and obtained from him a decision whose favourable nature filled him with secret joy whenever he thought of it.

Tilted wagons were being loaded with the regent's luggage, couriers and servants were rushing to and fro, and in the courtyard men were currying the horses which were to be ridden on the journey. Don Luis paid no heed to all this, hastening first to the chapel to ask a young German chaplain to administer the sacrament to Sir Wolf Hartschwert, to whose house he hurriedly directed him.

Yet it gave him pleasure; surely it was a piece of good fortune that this withering trunk was again putting forth such fresh buds. Wolf Hartschwert had asked the guards who were stationed at the end of Red Cock Street whether any riders had passed them. Several horses always stood saddled for the service of the court.

So there was no place for either in her household. Rough Appenzelder regarded this as fortunate; Gombert thought it a matter of course because custom so ordained. The stimulus which the Queen could expect from Wolf Hartschwert was certainly far less deep and varied; yet to him who, as a knight, belonged to her train, she granted many favours which she denied the famous Gombert.

So there was no place for either in her household. Rough Appenzelder regarded this as fortunate; Gombert thought it a matter of course because custom so ordained. The stimulus which the Queen could expect from Wolf Hartschwert was certainly far less deep and varied; yet to him who, as a knight, belonged to her train, she granted many favours which she denied the famous Gombert.