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We went at a great pace; lizards and goannas scampered out of the way in dozens, and, clambering trees, eyed us unblinkingly as we passed. Did we see a person or vehicle a tiny speck ahead of us in a short time they were as far away in the background. "Please, uncle, let me drive," I requested. "Couldn't now.

It is, however, certain that the natives show, on all occasions, the utmost horror of the snake, and will not eat it, although they esteem lizards, goannas, and many other reptiles delicious fare. On this occasion they always observe that if the snake bites them, they become lame, but whether by this they mean temporary or lasting lameness I do not pretend to determine.

At 5.30 we saw a long line of camels moving out across the sunset. There's something snaky about camels. They remind me of turtles and goannas. Somebody said, "Here's Bourke." The yarn was all lies, I suppose; but it wasn't bad. A city bushman told it, of course, and he told it in the travellers' hut. "As true's God hears me I never meant to desert her in cold blood," he said.

"I think we know pretty well all we have to face the snakes that creep into new chums' boots and sleep under their pillows, the goannas that bite our toes if we aren't watchful, and the mosquitoes that sit on the trees and bark!" "Also the tarantulas that drop from everywhere, especially into food," added Tommy, dimpling.

He looked after the selection, minded the corn, kept Anderson's and Dwyer's and Brown's and old Mother Murphy's cows out of it, and chased goannas away from the front door the same as Dad used to do for Joe felt that he was in Dad's place, and postponed his customary familiarities with the goannas. It was while Joe was in charge that Casey came to our place. We never saw a man like him before.

No mistake, it was a real wilderness nothing but trees, "goannas," dead timber, and bears; and the nearest house Dwyer's was three miles away. I often wonder how the women stood it the first few years; and I can remember how Mother, when she was alone, used to sit on a log, where the lane is now, and cry for hours. Lonely! It WAS lonely.

The 'goanna a most loathsome-looking lizard can climb trees, and is very fond of raiding the 'possum's home when the young are there. Between the men who want its coat and the 'goannas who want its young the 'possum is fast being exterminated. Two other characteristic Australian animals you should know about. The wombat is like a very large pig; it lives underground, burrowing vast distances.

He spent a lot of time time that Dad considered should have been employed cutting burr or digging potatoes in ear-marking bears and bandicoots, and catching goannas and letting them go without their tails, or coupled in pairs with pieces of greenhide. The paddock was full of goannas in harness and slit-eared bears. THEY belonged to Joe.