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And I believe I shall have to. You see, I'm only a country girl, and I don't know what's right to do in this case. But I'm going to follow my instinct, and tell either Mr. Forbes or Mrs. Berry. I don't think I'll tell Dot or Bernice, for they'd have no more knowledge of what's right to do, than I have myself." "You're a good deal of a trump, Dolly Fayre. But I think you're in a hard place.

And I'm glad we're going home so soon, and oh, just think! we'll start off to school together, and we'll both go to High School, and we'll have just the same lessons, and we'll be together every day. Dotty Rose, I'm glad I've got you for a friend!" "You're not half as glad as I am, Dolly Fayre!"

"Oh, it isn't any bother, and besides, Mother will do a great deal of the nursing. Here she comes now with your luncheon." Mrs. Fayre came in, bringing a dainty tray on which was a small bowl of broth and some crackers. "The nurse has gone," she announced, "and I'm glad of it.

Dolly Fayre no more took that earring, than you did, Mr. Fenn, and I'm inclined to think from your manner, that you stole it yourself!" "What!" shouted Fenn, surprised out of his usual calm. "What do you mean, you little minx?" "Just what I say," repeated Dotty, but Dolly had already fled from the room. She went in search of Mrs. Berry, and found her in her own bedroom. "Please, Mrs.

Why, I'd suspect either of my own nieces before I Would Dolly." "You're generous, sir. But you're mistaken. Miss Fayre is the culprit, and we'll fasten the theft on her yet." "I hope not, I sincerely hope not. But it's a queer business, Fenn, a very queer business." "It's all of that, Mr. Forbes, but we'll get at the truth of it yet." Meantime the four girls were talking over the matter.

Art, stryving to compare With nature, did an arber greene dispred, Fram'd of wanton yvie flowing fayre, Through which the fragrant eglantines did spred. The Oswego, below the falls, is a more rapid, unequal stream than it is above them.

The programme was over now, and Muriel Brown sought out the Forbes party to invite them to the refreshment room. "I feel that I know you," she laughed, "from Dad's description. He says the fair girl is Miss Fayre, and the rosy girl, Miss Rose." "Oh, that's it, is it?" cried Ted; "then this is Miss Forbes, and now all the problems are solved!"

Sheply dined and very merry, and a good dinner. Thence to Mr. Povy's to discourse about settling our business of Treasurer, and I think all things will go very fayre between us and to my content, but the more I see the more silly the man seems to me. Thence by coach to the Mewes, but Creed was not there.

So abroad with Sir W. Pen. My wife and I to "Bartholomew Fayre," with puppets which I had seen once before, and Ate play without puppets often, but though I love the play as much as ever I did, yet I do not like the puppets at all, but think it to be a lessening to it. Thence to the Greyhound in Fleet Street, and there drank some raspberry sack and eat some sasages, and so home very merry.

Besides, I know I took it off here, only a moment after I tried it on. I merely looked at it an instant, and then I unhooked it and laid it on this table." "But at first, you weren't sure that you did place it on that table, Miss Fayre," came the insinuating voice of Fenn once more. "Yes, I did, I'm sure of it now," and Dolly's white face was drawn with anxiety.