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Beyond these, to the west and north, are Confucius and Mencius Temples, the latter being the nearer. These are respectively at an elevation of seven thousand one hundred and twenty-eight feet and seven thousand feet. The eye now rests on Point Sublime, the spot where Captain Dutton indited his vividly descriptive accounts of the Great Canyon. Marsh Butte.

He wrote innumerable directions for my journey. The nearest railway station to Dutton Manor was at Vale Royal, a pretty little town about three miles from the house. If I would let him know by what train I should reach Vale Royal, he would be at the station to meet me. And he said Heaven bless his dear, loving heart that he was looking forward to it with untold happiness.

It would be far from true to say that no one lamented Sir Wycherly Wychecombe. Both Mrs. Dutton and Mildred grieved for his sudden end, and wept sincerely for his loss; though totally without a thought of its consequences to themselves.

'Then he comes with with favourable intentions, said Mary, putting as much admonition as she could into her voice. 'Oh! no doubt of that, said Miss Headworth, drawing herself together. 'He spoke of the long separation, said he had never been able to find her, till the strange chance of his nephew stumbling on her at Abbots Norton. 'That is possib probably true, said Mr. Dutton.

Davidson to receive a small contribution towards her board, the ten pounds were dwindling away. Then, when she was reduced to the depths of perplexity and depression, Harry Dutton cautiously pleaded his cause, and, as a strong will bent on one object will always sway an irresolute mind, Bluebell listened, and for once tried to realize what it would be.

Recollections root in the remote. For thirteen years we were served by Rev. Bradford Leavitt, and for the past eight Rev. Caleb S.S. Dutton has been our leader. The noble traditions of the past have been followed and the place in the community has been fully maintained.

Dutton, especially in the last, which was coloured, and showed the likeness of eyes and expression. 'Nuttie always sends me one whenever he is taken, said the old lady. 'Dear Nuttie! It is very good for her. She is quite a little mother to him. 'I was sure it would be so, said Mr. Dutton. 'Yes, said Mary, 'he is the great interest and delight of her life.

Thus he had on his hands the whole unemployed day, with no break in its monotony; and it often seemed interminable. The Puritan Sabbath as it then existed was not a thing to be trifled with. All temporal affairs were sternly set aside; earth came to a standstill. Dutton, however, conceived the plan of writing down in a little blank-book the events of his life.

The purpose served by binding in one volume the district experiences of Miss Dutton and the hospital record of Miss Jones is that of indicating to the average young lady of our period a diversity of ways in which she may serve our Master and His poor.

They had been notified of my approach at Trader's Hill by a courier sent from Dutton across the woods, and these men, whose knowledge of wood-craft is wonderful, had timed my movements so correctly that they had arrived just in time to meet me at this point. The two raftsmen rubbed the canoe all over with their hands, and expressed delight at its beautiful finish in their own peculiar vernacular.