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Get out of my doors: I will no longer remain under the same roof with a wretch who speaks wantonly of faith and the Scriptures." "Name not the Scriptures," says Adams. "How! not name the Scriptures! Do you disbelieve the Scriptures?" cries Trulliber.

We may acquire other bodies in that unknown state, should we stand in need of such appurtenances a fact which we may wholly disbelieve but of one thing we may rest assured, that these identical bodies in which we die can by no possibility conceivable to us be brought back.

But they will never persuade me. Nor, if they did, would I be untrue to him. It is a grand thing for a girl to have a perfect faith in the man she has to marry, as I have as I have. I know my man, and will as soon disbelieve in Heaven as in him. But were he what they say he is, he would still have to become my husband. I should be broken-hearted, but I should still be true.

Words which we do not understand, are like words spoken in an unknown language; we can neither believe them nor disbelieve them, because we do not know what they say. They are as yet words spoken as to the air. But when I add, that these words mean, "We must all stand before the judgment-seat of Christ;" now we can all believe them because we can all understand them.

Sitting opposite to this cynical man of the world and listening to his talk, Hyacinth came himself to disbelieve in principle. He felt that there must be some baser motive at the bottom of his desire to fight, only, for the life of him, he could not remember what it was.

And what's more," she continued, "I am not certain whether he meant to, or not. To be sure, I didn't give him much time." "Did you, propose, then? Cecil, if you don't wish me to disbelieve my own senses, tell me at once what you were about in the summer-house." "Refusing eight thousand a year," was the short reply. A puzzled, not unpleased expression, was dawning.

In part he was needed for endless, harassing consultations with people who wanted urgently to disbelieve everything he said, and managed to hold on to a great deal of doubt. Meanwhile there came about a sullen and infuriated lessening of international tension. No nation would dare plan a sneak attack on America if it could be known in advance.

Unfortunately, young gentleman, I can't be satisfied with it. Lady Gowan, I regret having this duty placed in my hands to carry out, but I must perform it. I am compelled to disbelieve you and your son, and search the house." "Do your duty then, sir," said Lady Gowan coldly; "but I cannot stay here to submit to the insult. I insist upon my house being protected."

Of course it would never do to pretend to disbelieve them. However, the shadow of a doubt hung over each of us. We knew that the Indians had a better knowledge of all that was taking place than we had, and since they knew so much about the troubles, it looked probable enough that they should know what movements the half-breeds were to make.

Are the combined product of human experience, and the concurrent records of human character, to be set down as 'old wives' fables? To disbelieve that arbitrary power naturally and habitually perpetrates cruelties, where it can do it with impunity, is not only ignorance of man, but of things.