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Illic sunt homines absque vllo ingenio penitus bestiales, serpentibus, vermibusque vescentes, nec inuicem loquentes, sed conceptus suos signis et indicijs ostendentes. Diligunt preciosos lapides tantummodo pulchritudinis gratia, non causa virtutis: et super omnes vnum diligunt lapidem habentem 60. colorum varietates, qui et Tracoides vocatur propter ipsos.

Et quoniam in equo albo ei Angelus apparuit, qui etiam ante passum praedicti maris nouem orationes Deo facere iussit, ideo successores vsque hodie diligunt equos albos, et nouenarium numerum habent prae caeteris in gratia.

We could easily fill twenty pages with the homely, but just and forcible rhetoric of the brave old bishop. We shall select a few passages as fair specimens, and no more than fair specimens, of the rest. "Omnes diligunt munera. They all love bribes. Bribery is a princely kind of thieving. They will be waged by the rich, either to give sentence against the poor, or to put off the poor man's cause.

Inner Fortress, iv. ch. i. section 11. Rom. vii. 24: "Quis me liberabit de corpore mortis hujus?" Ch. xvi. section 7. 1 Cor. ii. 9: "Quae praeparavit Deus his qui diligunt Illum." The Security of Contemplatives Lies in Their Not Ascending to High Things if Our Lord Does Not Raise Them. The Sacred Humanity Must Be the Road to the Highest Contemplation.

Hotspur's words in King Henry IV, Part I, Act II, Sc. 3. Thackeray and Dickens, dying in 1863 and in 1870 respectively, left unfinished Denis Duval and The Mystery of Edwin Drood. See Browning's inspiring poem, Rabbi Ben Ezra, XXIII, XXIV, XXV: "Quem di diligunt adolescens moritur." "Sir, we had a good talk." "As we must account for every idle word, so we must for every idle silence."