United States or Vatican City ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Although its ideal was money, and although it set up the acquisition of wealth as the all-stimulating incentive and goal of human effort, it viewed sullenly and enviously the development of an established magnate class which could look haughtily and dictatorially down upon it even as it constantly looked down upon the working class.

"Get to the steps; they are coming back," cried Loris. He was right. A section of the crowd turned, and made an ugly rush, only to halt in confusion as they found themselves confronted by levelled revolvers, held by four men in uniform. "Be off," Loris shouted. There was no anger in his voice; he spoke as sternly and dictatorially as one speaks to a fractious child.

"It's not me that matters so much, Father," she said; "it's him." "Oh, is it?" disagreed Hutchinson, dictatorially. "That's not th' road I look at it. I'm looking after you, not him. Let him take care of himself. No chap shall put you where you won't be looked up to, even if I AM grateful to him. So there you have it." "He can't take care of himself when he feels like this," she answered.

Naturally he is in Potsdam for Christmas, when all the imperial family assemble to celebrate the festival in good old German style. In music, as we know, he retains the classical tastes he has always cultivated and sometimes dictatorially recommended. Good music, he has said, is like a piece of lace, not like a display of fireworks.

'Biddy, wait please, he said dictatorially. She paused at the steps, her hand on the railings, her eyes under their lowered lids ignoring him. He went closer and spoke rapidly in a harsh undertone. 'I didn't tell you though I rode ahead on purpose I met a man at Tunumburra who said he knew you. He's out from England been staying at Government House, and brought a letter from Sir Luke Tallant.

Then, being unable to deny having done so, the Governor said, "You must leave Aintab immediately." He provided camels, and they had perforce to go, as they had been so dictatorially bidden. But this was not all.

"If the women would only listen to me," began the Major, dictatorially; but Uncle John cut him short. "They won't, sir; they'll listen to no man when it comes to dressmaking." "Don't they dress to captivate the men, then?" asked the Major, with fine sarcasm. "Not at all," answered Louise, loftily.

This upper portion of our educational organisation needs urgently to be bettered, but it is not to be bettered by trying to find an archangel who will better it dictatorially. For the good of our souls there are no such beings to relieve us of our collective responsibility.

"You, for example," continued the Professor dictatorially, fixing his keen piercing eyes full upon him; "You are a curious subject, a very curious subject! You live on a Dream; it is a good life an excellent life! It has the advantage, your Dream, of never becoming a reality, therefore you will always love, and while you always love, you will always keep young.

He none the less instructed his envoy at the Hague to preach the selfsame doctrines for which the New England Puritans were persecuted, and importunately and dictatorially to plead the cause of those Hollanders who, like Bradford and Robinson, Winthrop and Cotton, maintained the independence of the Church over the State.