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But on this particular afternoon there had apparently been none. The cures which had so far passed before them were doubtful ones, deficient in interest. Meanwhile, out-of-doors, you could hear the stamping and roaring of the crowd, goaded into a frenzy by repeated hymns, enfevered by its earnest desire for the Divine interposition, and growing more and more enervated by the delay.

"Sure and he knows he's done foine, but he ain't been braggin' on himself much since he took to that, I've noticed. There's books of all sorts, so there is, some for wan thing and some for another, but it's the history book that cures the consate." "We're very busy up at our house," observed Andy. And the widow could scarcely bring herself to heed him. "Yes," went on Andy.

'Disease. Not die from it; He cures it. 'Fire. Not consumed by it; He quenches it. 'Root of evil; He clears from the ground. 'Niagara. He lifts you out of the current on to an island. 'Habit. He sets you free from it. 'Spider's fly. He not only takes from the spider; but He sets it free from the toils. 'Jesus gives second nature; you are born again. 'But upon one condition, your consent.

He demanded firm confidence in the name of Christ, reënforced his effectiveness by narration of the cures he had perfected, used further certain manipulations such as the rubbing of the skin and passes on the head, and finally gave his suggestions with authoritative firmness.

Don't like the idea of soda-fountain cures. You've a little sunstroke, I think." "No, no, Mr. Visigoth. Why, I've hardly ever had a doctor in my life! The drug store will " "One, two, three march!" "Please!" "March! Got money? Good! I'll have a smoke in the cab. If he's not in, then I'll drive you around to our house doctor." He was in.

Basil is held in great reverence for his miracles, and immense numbers of pilgrims come to his annual festa with their sick from all the country round, even Mussulman families from Albania paying their devotions in the hope and faith of cures, and it is said that many miracles take place every year.

Nothing is more dangerous than a mass of discontent which does not know what remedy is to be sought. All sorts of cures will be tried, many of them mere quackery, and their failure will make matters worse.

Reports of cures wrought by my means led many to believe I had the gift of healing, and sufferers sought my aid wherever I made my appearance. While one-half of each day was taken up with talking, another half was taken up with writing. I had hundreds of letters to write, and hundreds upon hundreds of all kinds of letters to read.

"Not at all," replied the other; "I never received a medical education, and yet I perform a great number of cures." "Then, sir," said Woodward, "I take it, with every respect, that you must be a quack." "Did you ever know a quack to work a cure without medicine?" replied the other; "I cure without medicine, and that is more than the quack is able to do with it; I consequently, cannot be a quack."

These volumes are rather dreary reading, it must be admitted, consisting chiefly of the record of the building or improvement of the church and of the coming and the going of the curés. But one chief record is always found that of the sons of the parish who have entered the priesthood. They are its glory.