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In this case, the editor of the work was a victim of too much confidence in the newspapers. In the Congressional Directory, where brief biographies of Congressmen are given, one distinguished member was printed as having been elected to Congress at a time which, taken in connection with his birth-date in the same paragraph, made him precisely one year old when he took his seat in Congress.

It includes perception of our own mental states. These direct experiences of our own inner states are the primary basis of our understanding of other people's feelings, mental states, and actions. We have already seen that a right appreciation of companions, biographies, social life, and history, is the strongest of psychological forces in its formative influence upon character.

The American Commonwealth histories are serviceable for the individual States. For the biographies of leading statesmen, the American Statesmen and American Crises series are satisfying. Intellectual life is well treated in W. P. Trent's History of American Literature , G. W. Sheldon's American Painters , and Lorado Taft's History of American Sculpture .

Those portions of the biographies of great men which deal with the small beginnings of careers are always eagerly devoured, and for this reason the humble entry of Mr. Crewe into politics may be of interest.

Would those objectionable epithets as to Pompey have been allowed to hold their ground had Pompey lived and had they been in his possession? But, in reading histories and biographies, we always accept with a bias in favor of the person described the anecdotes of those who talk of them.

"Do you know who that woman is?" Jordan...." He looked at me steadily. "She got the data about your sister out of the Back Bay biographies and she used the accident of Mrs. Jordan's death to get in with it... the rest was all fiction." "Madame Barras?" I stuttered. "You mean Madame Barras?" "Madame the Devil," he said. "That's Sunny Suzanne.

The story of Freneau need not be repeated here at length, having been already told in another volume of this series of biographies. If there were anything in that affair, however, for which Jefferson could be fairly called to account, Madison may be held as not less responsible.

At every way-side station, under the evening light, he saw the long lines of placards: "Sudden death of Mr. Ferrier. Effect on the new Ministry." Every paper he bought was full of comments and hasty biographies. There was more than a conventional note of loss in them.

There are now, however, three or four biographies of him, especially the full and interesting memoir published in 1860 by Mr. Secretan. It is needless, therefore, to go over ground which has already been completely traversed; a few notes only of the chief dates and incidents of his life may be sufficient to introduce the subject. Robert Nelson was born in 1656. In his early boyhood he was at St.

III-IV. One seeking a scholarly view of the period, in an adequate literary setting, can hardly do better, however, than to read Frederick J. Turner's Rise of the New West and William MacDonald's Jacksonian Democracy . These are volumes XIV and XV in The American Nation, edited by Albert B. Hart. Biographies are numerous and in a number of instances excellent.